Telecommuting is a work arrangement in which the employee works outside the office (often working from home) by using a computer electronically linked to one’s place of employment. According to a workplacetrends.com study, 50% of organizations ranked workforce flexibility as a strategic priority for their organization to help employees balance demanding workloads, increase engagement and improve retention.
The Office of Talent & Innovation (OTI) encourages telecommuting to improve work-life balance and has been working to identify best-practice solutions to increase the adoption and use of this program across System Administration.
Telecommuting requires manager and Administrator approval. Managers with questions about how to make telecommuting effective for your work environment are encouraged to contact their HR Business Partner.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I’m eligible to telecommute?
Generally, eligible employees should have successfully completed a six-month probation, demonstrate a high level of performance with little supervision and perform duties requiring minimal face-to-face interaction with internal or external customers.
Are different telecommuting options available?
Employees may telecommute regularly with a set schedule on certain days of the week or month; occasionally or on an as-needed basis, such as if they require more focus and quiet time to work on a project; or on an emergency basis if there is situation that keeps the employee from being able to get to the office but job responsibilities must still be fulfilled. Employees must first obtain manager approval before telecommuting.
Do I have to use UT System equipment to telecommute?
No, as long as the devices are compatible and secure. If you do use UT System equipment, please complete the Off-Premise Equipment Removal Request form included in the Telecommuting Agreement. Please refer to HOP 4.1.1 Information Resources Acceptable Use and Security Policy for details regarding information security and protection.
Can my manager terminate my agreement?
Yes, managers may terminate an agreement at any time and for any reason. The agreement may be terminated with 10 days written notice from either party or for cause without prior notice. Please refer to HOP 3.4.4 Telecommuting.
What is the duration of a telecommuting agreement?
Employees may telecommute with manager and Chancellor (or appropriate designee approval) as outlined in the Telecommuting Agreement. All agreements continue indefinitely unless otherwise stated in the agreement. However, UT System or the manager may terminate the agreement at any time and for any reason. The telecommuter and manager should review the telecommuting agreement whenever there is a major change in work duties. Telecommuters and new managers are encouraged to continue telecommuting arrangements by mutual agreement.
Please contact your HR Business Partner with any questions regarding telecommuting agreements or the process itself.