Below is a list of available Lesson Plans on file with ODOP. To request a Lesson Plan, please email ODOP Police Training. Before conducting the course, ensure that the Instructor Bio is on file, the course materials are updated (if necessary), and the training is listed on the training calendar.
Number | Course Title | Hours |
786 | Cardiac Emergency Communication | 4 |
1014 | Basic Instructor | 40 |
1017 | Advanced Instructor | 40 |
1849 | De-Escalation | 8 |
1849 | Integrating Communications Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) | 16 |
1850 | Crisis Intervention Training | 40 |
2017 | Crime Scene Investigation | 3 |
2017 | Intermediate Use of Force | 16 |
2029 | Body Language | |
2035 | Crime Victims Family Violence | |
2040 | Defensive Tactics | 2 |
2040 | Gracie Survival Tactics: Handcuffing | 3 |
2040 | Defensive Tactics | 4 |
2040 | Gracie Survival Tactics Level 1 Refresher | 4 |
2040 | Defensive Tactics | 4 |
2040 | Gracie Survival Tactics Multiple Officer Arrest | 4 |
2040 | Defensive Tactics: Controlled FORCE | 4 |
2040 | Advanced Defensive Tactics | 8 |
2040 | Gracie Survival Tactics | 8 |
2040 | Ground Control | 16 |
2040 | PPCT - Defensive Tactics | 16 |
2040 | PPCT - Defensive Tactics | 24 |
2040 | PPCT - Defensive Tactics | 24 |
2040 | Gracie Survival Tactics | 40 |
2047 | Off-Duty Survival Training Course | 8 |
2049 | Painless Report Writing | 8 |
2049 | Blue to Gold: Bulletproof Report Writing | 8 |
2050 | SWAT - Open Air Operations | 8 |
2051 | Terrorism/Dign Prot/Spe Threat | 24 |
2053 | Expandable Baton Recertification | 2 |
2053 | Baton Recertification | 4 |
2053 | Baton Certification | 8 |
2053 | PR-24 Control Baton Basic Course | 8 |
2054 | LIDAR Certification | 8 |
2054 | RADAR Certification | 8 |
2055 | Firearms | 2 |
2055 | Low-Light Firearms Training (Pistol/Rifle) | 3 |
2055 | Shotgun Skills Builder | 3 |
2055 | Mixed Low-Light | 4 |
2055 | Pistol Fundamentals Training (A) | 4 |
2055 | Range Safety Officer | 4 |
2055 | Pistol Fundamentals Training | 4 |
2055 | Shoot-Don't-Shoot Use of Force Scenario Training | 4 |
2055 | Shotgun Skill Builder | 6 |
2055 | Patrol Shotgun Skill Builder 1 | 6 |
2055 | Firearms Training (SRRT) | 8 |
2055 | Firearms Training (SRRT) | 8 |
2057 | Effective Courtroom Testimony | 8 |
2066 | Implicit Bias and Social Justice | 7 |
2085 | Narcan Administration Opioid Overdose | 1 |
2085 | Strategies to Improve Police & Community Relations | 1 |
2085 | Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention Training | 4 |
2095 | Use of Force Scenario Based Training Part I: Render Aid | 8 |
2096 | Arrest, Search, & Seizure Case Law Review | 2 |
2096 | Blue to Gold: Mastering Search & Seizure | 8 |
2105 | Intermediate Child Abuse | 24 |
2106 | Crime Scene Investigation - In service | 3 |
2106 | Intermediate Crime Scene | 32 |
2106 | Intermediate Crime Scene | 40 |
2108 | Intermediate Search and Seizure | 16 |
2109 | Intermediate Spanish for Law Enforcement | 20 |
2109 | Intermediate Spanish for Law Enforcement | 24 |
2109 | Intermediate Spanish for Law Enforcement | 40 |
2111 | Intermediate Spanish Test Out | |
2178 | SFST Practitioner Update | 4 |
2178 | SFST Practitioner Update | 5 |
2178 | SFST Practitioner Update | 8 |
2191 | Transgender Community Training | 2 |
2191 | Transgender and Identity Issues | 2 |
2222 | Basic Firearms Instructor | 40 |
2222 | Firearms Instructor Certification | |
2529 | Red Dot Optics Firearms (Pistol Transition Course) | 12 |
2529 | Red Dot Pistol Instructor | 16 |
2530 | Blue to Gold: Duty to Intervene | 4 |
3027 | De-escalation Refresher, ICAT: Integrating Communications, Assessment, and Tactics, Surviving Verbal Conflict | 2 |
3027 | Verbal Defense and Influence | 4 |
3039 | Public Police Recording | 2 |
3185 | State and Federal Law Update #85 | 4 |
3186 | State and Federal Law Update #86 | 4 |
3187 | State and Federal Law Update #87 | 4 |
3201 | Patrol Officer's Response to Sexual Assaults | 2 |
3205 | Recognizing and Responding to Stalking | 7.5 |
3206 | Internal Affairs Training Conference 2023 | 20 |
3206 | Professional Standards/Internal Investigations Training | 35 |
3275 | Missing and Exploited Children | 6 |
3283 | Gang Identification | 8 |
3303 | LE Officer Flying Armed (FAA) (TSA Federal Air Marshal Service) | 2 |
3303 | LE Officer Flying Armed (FAA) (TSA Federal Air Marshal Service) | 2 |
3304 | Negotiation Concepts for Tactical Personnel & Team Leaders | 4 |
3305 | Interior Movement and Setup for Room Entry | 2 |
3305 | Active Shooter Response: In-Review and Table Top Exercises | 4 |
3305 | Active Shooter Response | 4 |
3305 | Active Shooter Response | 8 |
3308 | Officer Safety: Scenario Based Training | 1 |
3308 | Officer Safety: Building Searches/Crimes in Progress | 4 |
3308 | Officer Safety: Pedestrian Stops | 4 |
3308 | Bulletproof Command Presence Seminar | 4 |
3308 | Officer Safety: Traffic Stops | 8 |
3308 | Processing Under Pressure: Human Performance Factors in Critical Events | 8 |
3311 | ALERRT Level I | 16 |
3312 | ALERRT Level 1: Module 6 Improvised Explosive Devices | 1 |
3312 | ALERRT Level 1: Module 7 | 1 |
3312 | ALERRT: AAIR | 2 |
3312 | ALERRT Level 1: Module 3 Arrival and Approaching the Attack Site | 2 |
3312 | ALERRT Level 1: Module 4 Interior Movement & Setup for Room Entry | 2 |
3312 | ALERRT Level 1: Module 5 Room Entry | 2 |
3312 | ALERRT Refresher | 4 |
3313 | ALERRT Active Shooter Training | 8 |
3315 | ALERRT Level 1 Train the Trainer | 40 |
3322 | Patrol Rifle Operator | 16 |
3322 | Patrol Rifle | 24 |
3323 | Patrol Rifle Instructor Certification Course | 40 |
3326 | Patrol Rifle Refresher Course | 4 |
3334 | Advanced Rapid Response Emergency Scenario Training | 2 |
3334 | Advanced Rapid Response Emergency Scenario Training | 4 |
3334 | Advanced Rapid Response Emergency Scenario Training (Solo Officer) | 8 |
3334 | Advanced Rapid Response Emergency Scenario Training | 8 |
3334 | Advanced Rapid Response Emergency Scenario Training | 8 |
3340 | Civil Disorder | 1 |
3340 | Crowd Control: Mobile Field Force | 4 |
3340 | Crowd Control: Mobile Field Force | 5 |
3340 | Crowd Control: Mobile Field Force | 8 |
3341 | Police K-9 Training: Patrol Tactics | 4 |
3341 | Police K-9 Training: Vehicle Searches | 5 |
3341 | Police K-9 Training: Interior Room Searches | 5 |
3341 | Police K-9 Training: Mass Transit Vehicle Searches | 5 |
3341 | Police K-9 Training: Modular Training | 5 |
3341 | Police K-9 Training: Passive Indication Training and Maintenance | 5 |
3341 | Police K-9 Training: Decoy | 8 |
3341 | Police K-9 Training: Decoy | 24 |
3342 | Pistol Skill Builder I | 4 |
3342 | 4 Dimensional Gun Fighting | 4 |
3342 | Pistol Skill Builder Level 3 | 4 |
3342 | Tactical Firearms Training | 8 |
3342 | Pistol Skill Builder Low Light | 8 |
3342 | Pistol Skill Builder Level 4 | 8 |
3342 | Tactical Firearms Training | 8 |
3342 | 4 Dimensional Gun Fighting | 8 |
3342 | Pistol Skill Builder | 8 |
3342 | Firearms Instructor Development | 16 |
3342 | Tactical Performance Lab (Human Performance) | 16 |
3343 | Less-Lethal Chemical Weapons - OC Spray | 1 |
3343 | Less-Lethal Chemical Weapons - OC Spray | 2 |
3343 | Basic O.C. Certification Course | 4 |
3344 | AXON Taser User Re-Certification Course (v. 22) | 2 |
3344 | AXON Taser Recertification Course | 4 |
3344 | Taser Recertification Course | 4 |
3344 | AXON Taser User and Re-Certification Course | 6 |
3344 | AXON Taser User Certification Course (v. 22) | 8 |
3344 | X-26/ X-26P / X2 Taser User Certification Course | 8 |
3347 | AXON Taser Re-Certification Course | 2 |
3347 | AXON Taser Recertification Course | 3 |
3347 | AXON Taser Certification Course | 4 |
3347 | Taser Recertification Course | 4 |
3358 | Police Bicycle: Police Cyclist Advanced Riding Techniques | 8 |
3358 | Police Bicycle: Police Cyclist Firearms Training | 8 |
3358 | Law Enforcement Bicycle Mechanics | 40 |
3358 | IPMBA Police Cyclist | 40 |
3370 | ViCAP Computer-Based Training: ViCAP Presentation | 0.75 |
3370 | ViCAP Computer-Based Training: Highway Serial Killings Initiative Presentation | 0.75 |
3370 | ViCAP Computer-Based Training: ViCAP Web National Database Overview | 0.75 |
3370 | ViCAP Computer-Based Training: Investigative Resources | 1.25 |
3370 | ViCAP Computer-Based Training: ViCAP Web Searches: Basic and Advanced | 1.5 |
3370 | ViCAP Computer-Based Training: ViCAP Web Case Entry | 2 |
3370 | ViCAP - Computer Based Training | 8 |
3375 | Police Response to Persons in Crisis - Best Practices | 16 |
3390 | Ballistic Shield Training (ARREST) | 8 |
3390 | Ballistic Shield Training | 8 |
3395 | Blue to Gold: Real World De-Escalation | 4 |
3395 | Integrating Communications Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) | 16 |
3409 | CRASH | 4 |
3517 | Suicide by Cop: Assessment, De-escalation, Investigation | 8 |
3696 | Blue Courage | 16 |
3702 | Field Training Officer Course | 24 |
3725 | FTO Update 2023 | 8 |
3737 | New Supervisor Course | 32 |
3751 | IACP Women's Leadership Institute Conference | 31 |
3799 | All Hazard Plan | 1 |
3806 | Hazardous Materials: Radiation Fundamentals (v.2) | 4 |
3821 | Royal Arms Noise/Flash Distraction Device | 4 |
3821 | Diversionary Device Operator | 4 |
3830 | Hemorrhage Control and Hands Only CPR | 3 |
3832 | American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adult, Child, and Infant | 5 |
3832 | American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adult, Child, and Infant | 7 |
3835 | Tactical Trauma Care | 4 |
3835 | Tactical Trauma Care | 8 |
3844 | Behavioral Health Crisis Response Refresher (Crisis Training) | 2 |
3845 | American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adult, Child, and Infant | 6 |
3845 | American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, and AED for Adult, Child, and Infant | 7 |
3845 | Medic First Aid Basic Plus - CPR, AED and First Aid for Adults | 8 |
3864 | Manual Breaching (including Kinetic Breaching Tool [KBT 3-1000]) | 8 |
3912 | Strategies to Improve Police & Community Relations | 1 |
3930 | Ethics in Law Enforcement | 1 |
3930 | Ethics in Law Enforcement | 2 |
3939 | Cultural Diversity Training | 8 |
4001 | Mental Health Officer | 40 |
4040 | Mental Health First Responder | 8 |
4042 | Autism & IDD Training | 2 |
4042 | Developmental Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorder/IDD and First Responders - Promoting Safe and Positive Outcomes | 8 |
4067 | Trauma Affected Veterans | 24 |
4068 | Child Safety Checklist Alert List | 2 |
4201 | Mental Health Peace Officer Course | 24 |
5309 | Active Assailant | 8 |
6012 | Tactical Performance Lab (Human Performance) | 18 |
6014 | Point of Domination CQB | 8 |
6014 | Point of Domination CQB | 12 |
6045 | Annual Security Report and Clery Act, Responsibilities as a Campus Safety Authority (CSA) | 3 |
8158 | Body Worn Camera | 2 |
8158 | Body Worn Camera | 4 |
8813 | Below 100 Training Course | 16 |
9909 | Officer Involved Shootings - Criminal Investigations | 4 |
30418 | Civilian Interaction Training Program | 2 |
38700 | Beyond Bullet Points in PowerPoint Design | 8 |
38700 | Course Observation and Presentation Development | 40 |
Last Updated: 02.04.2025