Close up of a UT System Police Badge, with text on the side of the image: Office of the Director of Police

Samuel Hernandez, UT Rio Grande Valley PD - Featured Officer of the Month

Samuel Hernandez

I stem from a strong law enforcement family where my father and brother have served as police officers. My father has been a municipal police officer for 38 years. His guidance throughout my life has shaped me to be the person I am today. My older brother’s law enforcement career includes serving as a police officer, Air Force Combat Arms Instructor and is currently a criminal justice teacher; he has also positively influenced my career. My wife and kids are my biggest supporters and they have stood by my side throughout this career which has been at times taxing. I am very grateful and blessed to have a strong support system.

I began my law enforcement career in 2008 at the University of Texas at Brownsville Police Department, which is now a legacy institution. In 2011, I transferred to the Brownsville Independent School District Police Department where I worked until 2012 before returning to the UTB Police Department now known as The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. I have been fortunate to promote up the ranks and currently serve as one of the Patrol Lieutenants for The UTRGV Police Department. I have served as a Lieutenant for approximately three years where I am tasked with overseeing patrol and special events for the Brownsville campus. In addition, I have been the Incident Commander for several events, where I have created Incident Action Plans for celebrities, governors, senators and other government officials. I am extremely passionate about what I do and live by the motto that every day is an opportunity to grow and strive for an ever increasing measure of excellence.

In 2010, I graduated from The University of Texas at Brownsville with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Police Administration. One of my future goals is to pursue a master’s degree in Criminal Justice. I recently graduated from the Northwestern’s School of Police Staff and Command program. Through this rigorous program, I was challenged and fine-tuned my style of leadership.

I am thankful for my department’s leadership, who took the time to invest in my development and for entrusting me with a great deal of responsibility. The mentoring and guidance from my leadership has allowed me to grow and in turn develop others into future leaders. I want to thank the sergeants, police officers and public safety officers who I have had the pleasure of serving with for eleven years. These officers regardless of rank or title have been instrumental in creating a positive impact in my career. I am fortunate to be surrounded by colleagues who complement my strengths and challenge me to work harder every day. This recognition I am receiving is attributed to the many officers who have contributed to my career.

I have been blessed to serve as a lieutenant for a great police department where the mission and vision is directly aligned with my values. One thing that I’ve learned during my tenure as a supervisor, which I hope helps other supervisors, is to consistently work with an attitude of service to others as opposed to seeking service from others. Creating a culture of servant leadership is a focus and professional aspiration of mine.

To my fellow officers: Godspeed and be safe out there.