Business Affairs

Closeup photo of the building's exterior signage that reads: The University of Texas System

Business Affairs Mission Statement

As a collection of service units, the Division of Business Affairs does not perform the organizational mission activities of educating students, conducting research, treating patients or serving our communities, but rather we support the campuses and departments, the faculty and staff who do perform such acts. Our role is to add value while certifying to our constituents that our capital, financial and human assets are used effectively and efficiently. 

As such, we in the Division of Business Affairs will be judged by our ability to:

  • Effectively serve and support the campuses, facilitating  delivery of their mission, while we
  • Utilize the fewest resources possible, and
  • Ensure that we are good stewards of the resources with which we have been entrusted.

We also have the responsibility to challenge, support and recognize our employees.

Business Affairs Division Success Factors

Our success will be determined by our ability to:

  • Serve the campuses and facilitate the delivery of their mission
  • Preserve the public trust
  • Create synergies with and among the campuses
  • Challenge, support and recognize our employees.
Business Affairs Division Values

If we give people the right information, they will do the right things.
Our success is based on the support of others, collaboration is critical.

Integrity and Fairness 
We aim to be consistent and honest.
When in doubt, be fair.

Diligence and Responsibility 
We will expend the time and energy needed to get the task done.

Focus on Results 
In the end we will be judged less on our effort and more on what we achieve.

Encouragement of Creativity & Flexibility & Tolerance for Risk 
To try something and succeed is obviously best.
To try something and fail (with the right intent and within reason) is the next best alternative.
Not to try at all is the only unacceptable action.

Service and Value to our Customers 
We should ALWAYS be courteous, responsive, capable and timely.
If it doesn’t add value, we shouldn’t do it.

“O”versight Look to do LESS of this (where appropriate)

“R”esources Look to do MORE of this