Office of the Controller

Three people discussing budgets at a table with papers, charts and a laptop on the table, the photo is centered on expressive hands.

Welcome to the Office of the Controller! This office leads financial and management accounting activities that ensure strong stewardship of resources and the financial well-being of the University of Texas institutions. Responsibilities include validating the integrity of data submitted, recorded, and reported to both internal and external customers.

MISSION - Responsible for quality accounting and financial shared services while operating in a culture of responsible stewardship and sound fiscal management of UT System resources.

VISION - To recruit, retain, and develop employees who provide exceptional service through innovation in support of the Controller’s and UT System’s mission.

VALUES - Excellence, collaboration, integrity, and innovation.

Led by Faraz Khan, InterimAssociate Vice Chancellor & Controller who reports to the Executive Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs, the Controller’s Office is structured around three Centers of Excellence (listed below) that provide leadership, best practices, support and training. Click here to learn about the structure of the Centers of Excellence



Led by Faraz Khan, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor & Controller

The team focus is to collaborate and advise our customers regarding financial reporting and requirements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

  • Investment Accounting
  • Financial Reporting
  • Facilities and Construction Accounting

Led by Sandra Neidhart, Director Business Administration Services

We provide business expertise and guidance for business operations, financial information services, tax compliance, and UT System aircraft operations.

  • Business Operations Support
  • Tax Compliance
  • Financial Information Services
  • Travel and Aircraft Operations

Led by Casilda (Casi) Clarich, Director Financial Shared Services

A customer focused team serving the financial service needs of departments and employees. 

  • Accounts Payable
  • Travel and Employee Reimbursements
  • Payroll
  • Asset Management/Inventory

For more information or assistance, please contact or 512.499.4527 to speak with a member of the Controller’s Team.