UT System Student Success Affinity Groups
Between February and December 2017, four affinity groups were convened to focus and deliver on key outcomes of the UT System's initiative to make significant progress in student success. Affinity groups on Finances, Advising and Belonging, and the Assessment of Student Learning affinity group, met to:
- Scope out the three initiative pillars - Finances, Advising, Belonging - and the Assessment of Student Learning.
- Develop recommendations to fulfill the System's commitments to students on Finances, Advising, Belonging and Assessment of Student Learning, including the identification of meaningful strategies, interventions, measures and evidence.
- Advance a data-driven student success culture by examining research and data to determine drivers and best practices at academic institutions.
- Identify common metrics for each pillar and for the assessment of student learning.
Members included a wide variety of institutional leaders and stakeholders from across academic and student affairs and including faculty. The work resulted in the development of comprehensive reports for each affinity group topic. Academic Provosts are taking the lead in determining follow-up on the work of the Affinity Groups.

Alignment with Institutional Strategic Planning and Advancement
The Affinity Group work dovetails with other UT System and institutional endeavors related to improving student outcomes and institutional advancement:
- Annual Presidential Scope of Work and Strategic Priorities
- BOR-approved revisions to the UT System Faculty Workload Policy and development of institutional specific policies
- Institutional Tuition and Fee Proposals, which include targeted funding to improve Student Success
- Peer Selection and Development of 60X30TX Goals