View the Affinity Group Productivity Metrics infographic
Academic Provosts are taking the lead in determining follow-up on the work of the Affinity Groups.
Finances Proposed Metrics
- The percentage of first-year attrition likely attributable to finances.
- The percentage of students who fill out a FAFSA or TASFA, by the federal deadline (for FAFSA) and by institutional priority deadline(s).
- The percentage of students who leave after their first year with loan debt.
- Average loan debt of students who leave after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, and after graduation.
Advising Proposed Metrics
- NSSE Question 13, which asks a student to "Indicate the quality of your interactions with the following people at your institution: academic advisors, faculty and career services."
- As UT System academic institutions implement case management models of advising, institutions should move toward the national median of advising caseloads for public doctoral institutions as provided by NACADA surveys (currently 285:1).
Belonging Proposed Metrics
- Academic Belonging: Percent of first-year attrition attributable to a lack of academic belonging, measured by identifying those students who are not retained at UT System academic institutions who have low unmet financial need (less than $5,500) and a low GPA (less than 2.0) upon leaving.
- Social Belonging: Percent of first-year attrition attributable to a lack of social belonging, measured by identifying those students who are not retained at UT System academic institutions who have low unmet financial need (less than $5,500) and a passing GPA (greater than or equal to 2.0) upon leaving.
- Following consultation with interested institutions, two metrics will be articulated from the NSSE questions below, identified by Affinity Group members as indirect, proxy measures for Belonging:
- About how many hours do you spend in a typical 7-day week doing the following: Participating in co-curricular activities (organizations, campus publications, student government, fraternity or sorority, intercollegiate or intramural sports, etc.)
0 hrs through Greater than 30 hrs - Indicate the quality of your interactions with the following people at your institution: Faculty
1 Poor through 7 Excellent
- About how many hours do you spend in a typical 7-day week doing the following: Participating in co-curricular activities (organizations, campus publications, student government, fraternity or sorority, intercollegiate or intramural sports, etc.)
- Belonging Campaign Participation: number of UT institutions with belonging campaigns, including equivalent initiatives focused on addressing belonging.
Assessment of Student Learning Recommendations
Assessment of Student Learning Proposed Metrics
- Monitor participation in High-Impact Practices, via the review of specific items already collected through the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU). For the NSSE, these items would include questions 11 (a-f) and 12. For the SERU, use the crosswalk developed to identify comparable questions.
- Assess critical thinking through the review of data from NSSE items 2a, 2d, 2f and items 4, a-e, and the corresponding SERU items to assess critical thinking, analysis, and higher-order learning.
- Measure critical thinking proficiency among undergraduate students attending any UT System academic institution, specifically through artifacts related to a particular High-Impact Practice: undergraduate research activities.