U. T. System Records Management Policies

U. T. System Records Management Policies

The University of Texas System operates under several sets of rules and regulations, including the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents and the U. T. Systemwide Policies (UTS Policies), in addition to applicable state and federal laws. U. T. System Administration is also governed by a Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP).

UTS 115

Texas Government Code Chapter 441 mandates the establishment of a records management program at each state agency, and Texas Administrative Code, Title 13, Chapter 6 sets out rules for implementing the mandates of Chapter 441. These laws and regulations underlie the UT System policy for Records and Information Management: UTS 115.

In keeping with UTS 115, each U. T. institution administers its own records management program and maintains its own records retention schedule and internal policies. The records management program for each institution is overseen by a Records Management Officer, who is designated by the institution’s president.

For more information about the records management program and requirements of a U. T. institution, please contact the Records Management Officer for that institution.

HOP 4.1.6

The records management program for U. T. System Administration is designed to comply with HOP 4.1.6. This policy, part of the Handbook of Operating Procedures, establishes responsibilities and procedures for records creation and disposition at U. T. System Administration for each department and employee.

UT System Administration Records Retention Schedule

Records of U. T. System Administration are maintained in accordance with the UT System Administration Records Retention Schedule. The Records Retention Schedule lists the categories of records maintained by UT System Administration and the lengths of time that each type of record must be retained.

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission publishes the most current certified version of the records retention schedule for each U. T. institution.