UT System Policies

Board of Regents’ Rules and U.T. Systemwide-Related Policies

Regents Rule 30105: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, & Consensual Relationships

The Board of Regents’ Rule 30105 prohibits sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, inappropriate consensual relationships, and other inappropriate sexual conduct at The University of Texas System and all of the U.T. institutions. The U.T. System institutions and U.T. System administration must adopt policies and procedures prohibiting sexual harassment and sexual misconduct; each institution must review the policy biennium and submit changes to the Board of Regents; and the institution’s policies and procedure must be published though the institution’s website dedicated solely to the policy and in the institution’s Handbook of Operating Procedures.

For the U.T. System institution’s policies on sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and consensual relationships, please visit the institution websites.

UTS 184: Consensual Relationships

UTS 184 requires that the U.T. System institutions and U.T. System administration must adopt policies addressing consensual relationships; and each institution must develop robust information and training programs for all faculty, staff, and students.

UT System Model Policies Related to Sexual Misconduct and Consensual Relations

The UT System institutions and UT System Administration must adopt policies that are in substantial compliance with the UT System model policies on (1) Sexual Misconduct, and (2) Consensual Relationships.


U.T. System Administration Policies

HOP 3.7.1: Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct

HOP 3.7.1 prohibits sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and other inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature at U.T. System. This policy applies to all employees, visitors, and applicants of employment of U.T. System.

ODOP 421: Sexual Assault Response & Investigation

ODOP 421 requires U.T. System Police to appropriately respond to and investigate reports of sexual assaults in a responsible, trained, and professional manner. U.T. System Policy investigations shall be fair, objective, victim-centered, and trauma-informed. Additional resources: Sexual Assault Investigation Checklist and Appendix 1 - Neurobiology of Trauma and Sexual Assault