Health Law Announcements

Excess Telemedicine Blanket Coverage Extension

Announcement May 18, 2022:
As the need for flexibility in providing continuity of care during the ongoing pandemic has continued, and for further accommodation and ease of administration, the Plan Medical Liability Management Committee has approved extension of the no-premium program for out-of-state telemedicine excess blanket coverage until the end of the fiscal year, August 31, 2022. The program for purchase of blanket excess domestic coverage for business purposes also continues. Please advise Allene Evans of any questions or concerns.

Announcement February 21, 2022
As the need for flexibility in providing continuity of care during the ongoing pandemic has continued, the Plan Medical Liability Management Committee has approved extension of the COVID-19 out-of-state excess telemedicine blanket coverage program until June 1, 2022.  The program for purchase of blanket excess domestic coverage for business purposes also continues. Please advise Allene Evans of any questions or concerns.