The General Lawsection of The Office of General Counsel provides legal advice and counsel to UT System and UT institutions on a broad range of issues, including:
- academic catalogs and handbooks
- business and fiscal matters
- civil rights
- constitutional law
- employment law
- faculty and student affairs
- governmental regulations
- internal investigations
- law enforcement
- litigation
- open records requests
- torts
The General Law section is the primary liaison to the Office of the Attorney General, in matters on which the Attorney General represents UT institutions and UT System Administration in court.
General Law Resources:
- A Guide for the Hearing Tribunal (UT Authentication Required)
- Criminal Background Check Form
- Developments in Employment Eligibility Verification FAQs
- E-Discovery Guidelines (UT Authentication Required)
- Faculty Appointment Forms - Academic Institutions
- Faculty Appointment Forms - Health Institutions
- Consideration of Race in Admissions - Ana Vieira AyalaandLaura Barbour
- Hearing Officer Training for Classified Employee Hearings
- Hearing Officer Training for Student Discipline Hearings - Sean FlammerandLee Roy CalderonandPaige Barnett
- Sexual Harassment/Title IX - Sean Flammer
- 31008 Tribunal Training - Paige BarnettorLaura Barbour
- TPIA - Cynthia TynanandJennifer Burnett
Click here, to view a spreadsheet of General Law training presentations, including webinars.