UT System Capital Project Delivery Guide

UT System Management Resources

Access to Resources for UT System Institutions

Employees of UT System institutions can access the source documents, templates, and other resources below to support the successfully delivery of their Major Capital Projects. Access is already provided to anyone who has previously accessed UT System Administration Office 365 resources with an account from one of our institutions.  First time users can follow this link for instructions on gaining access.

Current Resources (Back to Top)

These sections provide current source documents, templates, and links to resources to support the successfully delivery of Major Capital Projects for UT System and its institutions:

Guidelines and Specifications – Source documents for guidelines and specifications used on projects managed by the Office of Capital Projects.  Except as noted, the guidelines and specifications may be edited as necessary to better serve the needs and requirements of each institution and project.

  • Owner’s Design Guidelines – The Owner’s Design Guidelines are a set of supplemental requirements to the A/E contract describing the preparation of the A/E’s contract documents. They are referenced and incorporated in the standard contract.
  • Standard Front-End Specifications – Original source documents for the front-end specifications for the construction contract.  NOTE: The Project Insurance and Project Safety specs are required for participation in the ROCIP program and should not be modified.
  • Technical Specifications – Original source documents for Standard Technical Specifications used on projects

Procurement– Miscellaneous documents and links supporting procurement of goods and services under UT System contracts.

  • Prevailing Wage Rates – Current Prevailing Wage Rates of per diem wages in the locality in which the project is to be performed for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract.

Project Approvals – Miscellaneous documents, templates, and links supporting required project approvals at various stages for UT System Projects.

Project Management – Miscellaneous documents, templates, and links supporting project management at various stages for UT System Projects, including:

Reporting Requirements and Resources - Requirements and resources for reporting the current status of Major Projects

Risk Mitigation and Monitoring - The laws, rules, and regulations that govern UT System Capital Project delivery are outlined in the U.T. System Risk Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for Major Capital Projects.  This plan was developed to help ensure compliance by identifying potential risks and exposures for project stakeholders.  An editable version of the template can be downloaded for further developed as needed.

Legacy Resources - OUTDATED (Back to Top)

These outdated resources were issued by the former Office of Facilities Planning and Construction (OFPC) as operational and policy manuals for OFPC staff.  While these documents are outdated and no longer being updated, they may be downloaded and edited as desired to serve the needs of each institution, organization, and project.  Please note than any policies, templates, forms, and letters presented in this section are outdated and are provided for reference and example only.  The latest documents can be found in the Current Resources Section.

Campus Master Planning Guidelines – These guidelines were created to aid the institutions of The University of Texas System in planning, documenting and communicating the Campus Master Plan to stakeholders and administrators.

Construction Inspection Manual – This manual describes the policies and procedures for the effective management of all major capital improvement and was used by all OFPC Construction Inspection staff.

Facilities Programming Guidelines – These guidelines were created to aid the institutions of The University of Texas System in identifying a project’s scope, including all functional and operational requirements of the work to be designed.

Project Management Manual – This manual describes the policies and procedures for the effective management of all major capital improvement and was used by all OFPC Program Management staff.

Security Planning and Design Guidelines – These guidelines were created to aid the institutions of The University of Texas System in assessing potential threats and planning security provisions for their capital projects.