Tasks and Deliverables
1. Receive Design Development Approval (Back to Top)
Upon receiving Design Development Approval, the project team is authorized to spend the remainder of the approved funding to finalize the construction documents and complete construction without further approvals from the Board of Regents. Expenses from temporary funds provided by the institution will be reimbursed from applicable project funds upon Design Development Approval or upon submission of a project application to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (if applicable), whichever is later.
Tasks and Deliverables
1. Authorize Preparation of Construction Documents (Back to Top)
The Construction Documents phase builds upon the Design Development work by updating the Basis of Design and producing the plans, drawings, and specifications needed to price and build the project. Per BOR Rules and Regulations 80402 and 80404, the authority to release the project architect, engineer, or design-build contractor to begin preparing Construction Documents resides in the following offices or their delegated agents:
- OCP Managed Projects – The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Capital Projects
- Institutionally Managed Projects – The President of the Institution
2. Coordinate Systemwide Insurance Program Coverage (Back to Top)
Projects enrolled in UT Systemwide Insurance Programs should coordinate their activities with the Office of Risk Management to ensure uninterrupted coverage of:
- Builder's Risk Insurance Program
- Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP)
- Comprehensive Property Protection Plan (CPPP)
Additional details can also be found in Construction Risk Insurance Guidance for ROCIP VIII & BR IV.
3. Manage the Project’s Construction (Back to Top)
All construction related activities are governed by the laws, regulations, and statutes outlined in the U.T. System Risk Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for Major Capital Projects. Special attention should be given to the requirements established in the Uniform General Conditions for all UT System construction contracts.
Per BOR Rules and Regulations 80402 and 80404, the authority to approve the construction contractor's, design-build contractor's, or construction manager's estimates, guaranteed maximum price, or stipulated sum proposals; sign change orders; and provide general supervision of all Major Projects resides in the following offices or their delegated agents:
- OCP Managed Projects – The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Capital Projects executed by the Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
- Institutionally Managed Projects – The President of the Institution
4. Modify or Augment Project Funding Sources As Necessary (Back to Top)
Changes to Funding Sources or Cumulative Funding Increases of Less Than or Equal to 10% of the BOR Approved TPC (Back to Top)
To revise or reallocate project funding sources or to increase total funding by less than or equal to 10% of the BOR approved TPC, the changes must be approved by the following offices or their delegated agents, with copies of the approval documents provided to OCP and the Office of Finance:
- OCP Managed Projects – The Chancellor, with the advice of the Deputy Chancellor, the appropriate Executive Vice Chancellor, the Office of Finance, and the institutional president. Draft letters should be submitted to cipsupport@utsystem.edu for review and approval prior to obtaining the president’s signature on the letter.
- Institutionally Managed Projects – The President of the Institution, with the advice of the appropriate Executive Vice Chancellor. Contact cipsupport@utsystem.edu for review if desired.
To provide funding for the increase, the delegated authority may reallocate funding between or among approved projects at the institution if funding for such projects has previously been authorized or is from some other source of approved funds available to the institution.
Cumulative Funding Increases Greater Than 10% of the BOR Approved TPC (Back to Top)
To increase total project funding by more than 10% of the BOR approved TPC, the changes must be approved by the Board of Regents as a Modification to the CIP. Requesting a Modification to an existing CIP Project requires that certain project and administrative activities be completed and that a review and presentation process be conducted with UT System executive officers and staff, leading up to a presentation of the project by the institution president to the Facilities Planning and Construction Committee. The process is as follows:
Documents Required for Requesting a Modification to an Existing CIP Project via BOR Agenda Item:
- President’s Agenda Item Request Letter
- Online Project Planning Form
- CIP Project Cost Detail
- Updated Business Plan
Timeline for Document Submission for Requesting a Modification to an Existing CIP Project:
- Approximately 7 to 8 weeks prior to the BOR meeting (as per deadlines specified for each meeting), the institution will submit to OCP (cipsupport@utsystem.edu):
- A president’s letter to the appropriate Executive Vice Chancellor (Academic or Health), requesting an Agenda Item for the purpose of a CIP Project Modification and detailing the reason for the modification. Please copy cipsupport@utsystem.edu.
- A complete, accurate and final online Project Planning Form, with all information updated to reflect the reason for the modification, as well as the revised scope and TPC.
- A complete, accurate and final CIP Project Cost Detail, updated to reflect the revised TPC
- An electronic copy of the updated final fully executed Business Plan for Modification of an existing CIP Project to cipsupport@utsystem.edu for distribution to System Offices (OCP, EVC, Business Affairs, Real Estate and Finance). The update should include all revisions necessary to reflect the revised scope and TPC.
- Based on collaboration with the project team and the information provided in the above listed documents, the Office of Facilities Planning and Construction (OCP) will generate cost benchmarks for similar projects and will incorporate them into the Agenda Item and PowerPoint Presentation.
- OCP will submit the Business Plan to the Board Office for inclusion in BOR agenda material sent to the Regents.
- The party responsible for presenting the modification to the FPCC is determined on a project-by-project basis and will be coordinated by OCP CIP Support.
Resources for Requesting a Modification to an Existing CIP Project from the BOR
Resources for UT System Institutions Only (get access HERE)