System Administration Safety


For questions or comments regarding safety at The University of Texas System Administration, contact Risk Control at 512.499.4661.

Quick Links

Emergency Procedures Overview

ORM Portal

CPR/First Aid/Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

Department Safety Liaison (DSL)


Evacuation Planning

Fire Extinguishers






The Risk Control section of the Office of Risk Management administers a variety of programs to promote a safe work environment at The University of Texas System Complex, the Bauer House, West Texas Operations, the UT System Police Academy, the leased spaces in the Downtown Austin area, and the Office of Federal Relations in Washington, D.C. These programs include:

  • Department Safety Liaison Program
  • Evacuation Drills
  • Automated Defibrillator Program
  • Workplace Inspections
Training Classes
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • CPR/First Aid/Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
CPR/First Aid/Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

The University of Texas System (the UT System) has an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Program. The program includes stationing an AED within each System Administration Complex Building, the Bauer House, West Texas Operations, the UT System Police Academy, the Office of Federal Relations in Washington, D.C., and most Downtown Austin leased spaces; specialized training for responders in First Aid/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and AED operation; and inspection and maintenance procedures for AED devices.

What is an AED and how does it work?

An AED is an electronic device which automatically delivers an electronic shock to restore normal heart rhythm. AEDs have dramatically increased the survival rate of Sudden Cardiac Arrest victims. AEDs are very simple to use.

Who can use an AED?

UT System guards and certain Office of Risk Management (ORM) staff are trained to respond to medical emergencies. While ORM encourages all employees to be trained in the use of an AED, this training does not obligate them to respond. Only trained responders should use an AED.


ORM offers free CPR/AED and First Aid training throughout the year.Your Department Safety Liaison will notify you when these classes are offered. This training provides a certification in basic adult/child/infant CPR/AED and First Aid through the American Heart Association.

Department Safety Liaison

The goal and purpose of the Department Safety Liaison (DSL) Program is to maintain a safe and healthy workplace through the distribution of fire, life safety, and emergency response information and the coordination of educational meetings and safety training.


1. Serve as the departmental point of contact for safety issues and distribution of safety information.

2. Attend quarterly meetings to discuss safety issues confronting departments.

3. Provide information and direction to their department during evacuation exercises and in the event of an emergency.

4. Identify mobility-impaired individuals in their department that may need assistance in the event of an emergency.

5. Maintain the department's First Aid kit provided by the Office of Risk Management (ORM).

6. Perform monthly fire extinguisher inspections and quarterly work area inpections tracked on ORM Portal.

7. Input safety-related hazard reports, deficiencies, and requests into the Facility Work Requests System.


To reduce stress and prevent fatigue, it is important to take mini-breaks throughout the day. If possible, change tasks at least once per hour. Stretch your arms, neck and legs often if you do the same type of work for long periods of time.

To find the correct ergonomic position for your workstation, please refer to the Ergonomic Comfort Self-Checklist. Once completion of this checklist, you may request an personalized ergonomic assessment.

  • Chair Adjustment Instructions:

Haworth Zody

Herman Miller Aeron

Steelcase Leap

  • Desk Adjustment Instructions:

Sit-Stand Desk

For an ergonomic assessment of your workstation, ask your Department Administrator to request one via the Facility Work Requests System.

Evacuation Planning

Often during an emergency, confusion and uncertainty cause more injuries than the actual emergency. The Office of Risk Management takes an active role in educating employees on the evacuation procedures and training Department Safety Liaisons (DSLs) on assisting individuals during emergencies. Evacuation drills are an educational tool, as well as, an evaluation tool used to identify areas needing improvement.

Your DSL maintains a copy of the UT System Complex Emergency Response Plan. Your DSL should be the first point of contact with questions pertaining to evacuation planning. Click here to view the Emergency Procedures Overview.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are not designed to fight a large or spreading fire. Even against small fires, they are useful only under the right conditions. An extinguisher must be large enough for the fire at hand. It must be available and in working order, fully charged. The operator should be properly trained. The Office of Risk Management offers free fire extinguisher training. For course information, contact your Department Safety Liaison. Most of the extinguishers at the System Complex are ABC extinguishers and can be used to put out most types of fire.

Using a Fire Extinguisher

There is a simple acronym to remember to operate most fire extinguishers - PASS.  PASS stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep.

  • Pull the pin at the top of the cylinder
  • Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire
  • Squeeze the handle
  • Sweep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the fire until it goes out

Continue watching the area even after the fire has been extinguished.

When to Fight a Fire

You should fight a fire with a fire extinguisher only when the following are true:

  • Everyone has left or is evacuating the building
  • The fire department has been called
  • The fire is small and confined to the immediate areas where it started such as in a wastebasket
  • You can fight the fire and still have an escape route.
  • Your extinguisher is rated for the type of fire you are fighting and is in good working order
  • You have had training in use of the extinguisher and are confident that you can operate it effectively

Remember, if you have the slightest doubt about whether or not to fight the fire - DON'T. Instead, get out, closing the door behind you to slow the spread of the fire.