International Travel

University-Sponsored Travel is defined in UTS 190: International Travel Policy.

All University-Sponsored Travel to any international location, regardless of risk level, must be registered with UT System’s contracted emergency assistance provider, On Call International, prior to departure.  Learn more here.

International Travel Assistance

International Travel Requirements

Special Travel Requirements


International Travel Assistance

UT System purchases Systemwide international travel accident insurance and emergency assistance support for all employees and students engaged in University-sponsored international travel.  Learn more here.

Is My Trip Eligible for UT System-Purchased Emergency Assistance?
  • UTS 190 - International Travel Policy defines University-sponsored travel. Employees and students participating in qualifying travel are eligible for On Call International assistance services.
  • Leisure travel does not meet international travel criteria in UTS 190 and is therefore ineligible for UT-purchased assistance services.
  • Working remotely or telecommuting from overseas to a “place of work” in the US does not meet international travel criteria in UTS 190 and is therefore ineligible for UT-purchased assistance services.
How to Purchase Personal Memberships for Retiree, Dependent, or Leisure Travel
  • On Call does not offer a personal membership, but you can purchase personal travel insurance via one of their affiliated insurance providers.  On Call is part of a group of companies that includes WorldTrips, which offers personal travel insurance with comprehensive coverage.  On Call is the assistance provider embedded in these policies. 
  • Learn more here.
How Do Emergency Assistance and Employee Medical Benefits Work Together?
  • Employees on official, University-sponsored international travel who experience medical needs should contact On Call first, available 24/7:
  • BCBSTX has agreed to a direct billing arrangement with On Call International where they pay case fees and do not charge copays or deductibles regardless of in- or out- of network, if care is medically emergent/necessary and otherwise covered.  (Please note, this does not include routine medical procedures.)
  • If On Call International is not called first, or for non-emergent treatment, regular UT SELECT Medical benefits will apply.
  •  View Details on the Quick Reference Coverage Chart.
Student International Travel Accident & Sickness Insurance

Students generally do not have access to UT SELECT employee medical benefits, so part of the Systemwide international travel assistance purchased includes medical expense insurance coverage for student accidents and illnesses that may occur while abroad.  Learn more here.


International Travel Requirements

High Risk Travel Review
  • UTS 190: International Travel Policy establishes our Systemwide framework for international oversight and defines what travel must be considered High Risk. 
    • High Risk travel includes any travel to a region with a U.S. State Department Travel Advisory Level 4: Do Not Travel or Level 3: Reconsider Travel, or to a region where the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued its highest Travel Health Notice Level advising against travel.
    • All international travel requests for educational, medical, research, or business purposes to High Risk regions must be reviewed and approved by institutional International Oversight Committees (IOCs). The Risk Management Executive Committee serves as the IOC for UT System Administration.
    • Every request will be reviewed according to its own merits and risk mitigation planning.
Travel Registration Required
  • It is imperative that all University-sponsored international trips are registered with UT’s contracted emergency assistance provider prior to departure.
Travel Resources

Special Travel Requirements

Travel to Sanctioned Countries
  • Travel to sanctioned countries may affect insurance coverages and emergency assistance available. 
  • Export Control can advise if licenses are needed for travel, and Information Security can advise about expectations for electronics, such as if a clean device is needed and if VPN may be utilized to connect to the network from the proposed destination.
Iran - Special Approval Needed
  • No international insurance or emergency assistance available.
  • OFAC licenses from the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, if needed, can take a significant amount of time to obtain.
  • Export Control and Legal Affairs must be included in the decision-making process to ensure that neither the institution nor the traveler violates any sanctions with respect to financial transactions, nor engages with any person or entity that is sanctioned.
  • Travel must be approved by the IOC, an institution’s President, and the respective Executive Vice Chancellor (EVC) for Health Affairs or Academic Affairs.
    • The proposal submitted to the EVC must include a plan for assistance coordination and financing in the event of a medical or security-related emergency involving the traveler since insurance and emergency assistance support will not be available.
Travel Developments Related to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
  • Effective 3/31/23, travel to Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus continues to be suspended until further notice.
    • Sanctions remain in effect and significant.
    • International Package Policy insurance coverage is excluded in all three countries.
    • Mission critical exceptions for business or research require approval (or reapproval) by the IOC, as well as the President.  If an exception is granted, the President must provide notice to the Executive Vice Chancellor (EVC) for Health Affairs or Academic Affairs, and the Chief Risk Officer.
    • Export Control and Legal Affairs must review any proposed or ongoing requests to ensure that neither the institution nor the traveler violates any applicable sanctions with respect to financial transactions, nor engages with any person or entity that is sanctioned.  The IOC must include the opinion of Export Control and Legal Affairs in their review.
  • While not suspended, travel to Moldova requires elevated approval by the President. This is due to increased risks associated with the Transnistria region.


Travel Developments Related to Hamas's Attack on Israel and Israel's Declaration of War
  • Effective 10/10/23, travel to Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip is suspended until further notice.
    • Mission Critical exceptions for business or research require approval (or reapproval) by the IOC, as well as the president. If an exception is granted, the President must provide notice to the Executive Vice Chancellor (EVC) for Health Affairs or Academic Affairs, and the Chief Risk Officer.
  • While not suspended, travel to Jordan and Lebanon requires elevated approval (or reapproval) by the President.