Upcoming and Recent Events
Archive of Past Events
- The University of Texas Systemwide Brain Research Summit. November 18-19, 2024. Austin, TX.
- The University of Texas Systemwide Brain Research Summit. November 7-8, 2022. Austin, TX
- “Adapting to the New Norm” The 2022 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference, February 25-26, 2022- Austin Texas. More information at https://www.utsystem.edu/sites/kenneth-shine-academy/shine-academy.html.
- Innovations in Health Science Education - February 19-20, 2021
- Shared Visions Conference: Clinical Safety and Effectiveness and Systems Engineering, April 21 - 22, 2016, Hyatt Hill Country Hotel, San Antonio, Texas
- Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Conference and Recognition Event, Building The Bridge: Public Policy and Public Health Effect Health Care Reform - September 26-27, 2013, Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Antonio, Texas
- Innovations in Health Science Education - February 21-22, 2013
- Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Conference and Recognition Event, Building the Bridges: Maintaining Quality in the Face of Change - September 20-21 2012
- Innovations in Health Science Education - February 23-24, 2012
- Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Conference and Recognition Event, Building the Bridges: Excellence through Innovation, Education and Financial Stewardship - October 2011
- For the Health of Texas - A series of workshops to improve healthcare delivery systems
- Developing the Workforce for a Changing Healthcare Environment - February 28, 2011
- Systems Approaches to Improving Emergency Room Performance - September 14-15, 2010
- Improving the Quality of Perinatal Care - May 5, 2010
- Health Homes for Children and for Adults with Chronic Illness - March 22-23, 2010
- Global Health 3.0 Conference - October 9-11, 2011, Dallas, Texas
- Innovations in Health Science Education - May 2011
- Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Conference and Recognition Event, Building the Bridge at the Quality Chasm - October 2009
- Advancing the Quality of Healthcare in Texas - October 2009
- Innovations in Health Science Education - February 2009
- IBC 201 Conference - September 2008
- Medical/Dental Homes and Networks of Care for Children Conference - November 2007
- 2007 Innovations in Health Education Conference
- 2007 Wellness Symposium - March 2007
- 2006 Innovations Conference
- Bugs, Drugs and Vaccines: Securing our Future Medical Symposium - April 5 – 6, 2006, Galveston, Texas
- Access to Health Care in Texas, Task Force Website
- The Future of Public Health in Texas: A Report by the Task Force on the Future of Public Health in Texas - 2005
- Innovations in Medical Education Symposium: Competencies and Professionalism - October 2005
- Southwest Regional Conference for IBC Best Practices - August 2005
- Molecular Medicine Symposium - Took place in February 2005