The University of Texas Systemwide Brain Research Summit 2022

The University of Texas Systemwide Brain Research Summit

Instituting Change Through Collaboration

November 7-8, 2022 
Austin, TX  

The University of Texas Systemwide Brain Research Summit brought together national leaders, researchers from across various UT institutions, and key partners for collaborative discussions around advancing brain research in the state of Texas.  Read the summit impact report


  • Share clinical and basic research advancements occurring within University of Texas System (UTS) institutions across the state 

  • Foster collaborative neuroscience research in Texas, especially among UTS institutions 

  • Identify challenges and opportunities to advance brain research in Texas and nationally  


View Agenda Speaker Biographies


Presentations for the summit are available online. 

Keynote Speakers

Walter Koroshetz, MD, Director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Joshua A. Gordon, MD, PhD. Director of the National Institute on Mental Health