Shine Academy


The mission of the Shine Academy shall be to serve the University of Texas System (UTS) through the support and promotion of excellence in all aspects of health science education, including educational research, scholarship and leadership. 

-from the Shine Academy, 2022: Bylaws



The 2025 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference

will take place

February 20-21, 2025 in Austin, TX




  • President: Bridgit Piernik-Yoder, Ph.D.
    The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
  • President-Elect: Allison R. Ownby, Ph.D.
    The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Dorothy Sendelbach, M.D.
    The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
  • Immediate Past President: Leonard J. Cleary, Ph.D.
    The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston


Do you have questions about the Shine Academy?

Contact The University of Texas System Administration
Office of Health Affairs