
The purpose of the Health Science Education Small Grants Program is to stimulate research and innovation in health science education. This program will make small awards (up to $5,000 per project) from an overall project pool of approximately $30,000 to faculty from University of Texas health institutions who submit a written proposal and budget for a project that strives to improve education by innovative approaches.

These projects may involve curriculum development, evaluation methods, faculty development, or use of technology. Projects demonstrating a direct, measurable, positive impact on health science education will be most competitive for the award. Applications will be accepted from all health science disciplines, including medical, nursing, dental, allied health, health information sciences, and basic biomedical sciences.

A successful application will be based upon merit with the intention to be responsible to the needs of a given program. Collaboration between or among units or schools is strongly encouraged where possible .Individuals who received funding in the initial year of the program can reapply for a second year of funding, but this application requires submission of a progress report as well as a proposal for additional funding.

APPLICATION INFORMATION: Information will be posted here in the fall.

Past Grant Recipients