Policies Applicable to UT System Institutions and System Administration

Systemwide Policies   |   System Administration Internal Policies

UT System policies cover topics such as Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Statement for the Chancellor and Presidents, Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Statement for Employees, Service on Outside Boards, and Outside Employment. Systemwide Policies apply to UT System Administration and UT System Institutions. System Administration Internal Policies apply to UT System Administration only.

Systemwide Policies

  • UTS117 - Endowment Compliance Plan System-Wide Standards and Guidelines
  • UTS118 - Dishonest or Fraudulent Activities
  • UTS119 - Institutional Compliance Program
  • UTS120 - Spousal Travel Policy
  • UTS131 - Protection from Retaliation for Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing
  • UTS134 - Code of Ethics for Financial Officers and Employees
  • UTS138 - Gift Acceptance Procedures
  • UTS153 - Campus Mail - Use by Faculty and Staff Organizations
  • UTS159 - Purchasing
  • UTS165 - Information Resources Use and Security Policy
  • UTS171 - Student Financial Aid Code of Conduct
  • UTS175 - Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests and Management and Reporting of Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research 
  • UTS180 - Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Outside Activities
  • Resources - Model Bylaws, Guidelines, and Policies

System Administration Internal Policies

  • HOP 2.1.2 - Entertainment Expenses and Guidelines on Other Uses of Institutional/Gift Funds
  • HOP 4.1.1 - Information Resources Acceptable Use and Security Policy
  • HOP 1.1.3 - Nepotism
  • HOP 3.7.1 - Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
  • HOP 3.4.6 - Multiple State Employment
  • HOP 3.7.2 - Procedures for the Handling of an Allegation of Retaliation
  • HOP 1.1.1 - Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Outside Activities