Vertex 2018 - Research & Policy Symposium on Concurrent Enrollment & Dual Credit


Vertex 2018

We are living in an era of widespread expansion of concurrent enrollment and dual credit programming, which is blurring the traditional boundaries between secondary school and college – normally seen as separate spheres. The space between the two is filled with opportunities and challenges for students and educational sectors.

At the 2018 Vertex Symposium in Denver, expert keynotes and speakers addressed a national audience – including researchers, policymakers, higher education leaders, SHEEOs, statewide K12 and workforce, and other stakeholders – and led discussions on the impact of concurrent enrollment and dual credit expansion on key policy areas.

The 2018 Vertex Symposium focused on:

  • Elevating an understanding of concurrent enrollment funding models with a particular focus on how equity is impacted
  • Highlighting the varying approaches to state and cross-sector policies governing concurrent enrollment offerings
  • Showcasing current research, identify research gaps, and motivate additional research on student outcomes, equity, funding models, and other policy areas
  • Exploring intentional and unintentional consequences of concurrent enrollment expansion
  • Identifying shared strategies and solutions to address policy challenges
  • Promoting a network among policy and research peers working across sectors to ensure student success in concurrent enrollment programs

Collaborators included Education Texas, the Education Commission of the States (ECS), Indiana Commission for Higher Education, the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP), the National Association of System Heads (NASH), SAIL (Strategic, Academic, and Innovative Leadership) Institute at SUNY, State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO), the University System of Maryland, and the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).