Kenneth Roemer, Ph.D.


Department of English

College of Liberal Arts

UT Arlington

Kenneth M. Roemer, Ph.D., is a Piper Professor of 2011, Distinguished Teaching Professor, and Distinguished Scholar Professor at The University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Roemer has received four grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities to direct Summer Seminars and has been a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow and a Visiting Professor in Japan. In addition, Dr. Roemer has been a guest lecturer at Harvard University and has lectured at twelve universities in Japan and in various cities around the world, including cities in Italy, Brazil, Ireland, Canada, Austria, and Turkey. He has been Managing Editor of American Literary Review (ALR) and Assistant Editor of American Quarterly and has served on the Advisory Board of PMLA and the Editorial Board of American Literature. He has published three books on Native American literature and four books on utopian literature, including The Obsolete Necessity: America in Utopian Writings, which was nominated for a Pulitzer in American History. For nineteen years he has been a Faculty Advisor for the Native American Students Association at UT Arlington.