John W. Sibert

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

UT Dallas

John Sibert, Ph.D., obtained his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of South Florida and Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin under the direction of Professor Jonathan Sessler.  He was then awarded a National Institutes of Health Post-Doctoral Fellowship with Professor Brian Hoffman at Northwestern University.  He is currently an Associate Professor of Chemistry at The University of Texas at Dallas with research interests that lie in the area of molecular architecture, designing and building new molecules for applications that span from medicine to environmental science to advanced new materials.  He is an author, inventor and award-winning teacher with an educational emphasis on engaging learners in innovative methods centered around curiosity and discovery.  He co-wrote UT-Dallas’ campus-wide education plan titled “Gateways to Excellence in Math and Science” (GEMS) and has appeared as an on-camera science advisor for ABC and CBS News.