For Summer 2023, UTSI expanded to provide internship and law clerkship positions to a cohort of 30 including both undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at UT and law school partner institutions.
Summer 2023 Interns & Law Clerks

Sarah Bayanmunkh – UT Austin
Marketing & Communications Intern, University Lands
Audited and improved University Land’s website pages, managed LinkedIn content and calendars, and proposed an updated impact report for the department.

Abby Burke – UT Austin
Title IX (Sexual Misconduct) Graduate Intern, Office of Systemwide Compliance
Updated templates, handouts, and training materials related to various topics with a focus on Title IX

Luis Carrillo – UT Rio Grande Valley
Business Analyst Intern, University Lands
Conducted advanced research on DLE technology and worked on business development with lithium-invested operators.

Dinah Chukwu – UT Austin Law School
Summer Law Clerk, Office of General Counsel
Analyzed the SCOUTS’ decision in Groff vs. DeJoy case.

AnaMarie Cordova – UT Austin
Communications Intern, Office of External Relations
Created social media content for UT Institutions and researched for the weekly News Report.

Jessica Garcia – UT Austin
Communications Intern, Office of External Relations
Managed UT System social media posts and weekly newsletter and wrote a story about the virtual mental health support program for students in the UT System.

Cody Garcia – UT Rio Grande Valley
HR Business Partner Intern, Office Talent & Innovation
Analyzed performance appraisal data, revised the Telecommuting Policy for UT System, and conducted research for a white paper on employee well-being.

Matthew Gardea – UT El Paso
Legislative Intern, Office of Governmental Relations
Created a comprehensive publication summarizing the impacts of the Regular Session of the 88th Legislature on higher education.

Elyse Garza - STSI
Law Clerk, University Lands
Worked on Lithium project for Texas approach to determine the meaning of “minerals” and their law.

Jessica Gore – UT Austin
Communications Intern – Office of Information Security
Created videos, games, infographics to build a 12-month cybersecurity training program for UTS staff.

Akhila Gunturu – UT Arlington
Data Analytics Intern, Office of Institutional Research & Analysis
Created the Women & Minorities in Science and Engineering report for the UT System from 2014-2022.

Shreya Raju Gupta – UT San Antonio
Information Technology Intern – Infrastructure, OCIO
Analyzed the current network design and concerns for improved management and flexibility,and established a structured incident management process flow.

Taylar Hall – Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Summer Law Clerk, Office of General Counsel
Conducted research on preventive measures to address trademark infringement on social media for UT Institutions.

Ariana Harpavat – UT Austin
Internal Audit Intern, System Audit Office
Conducted an audit of the travel and entertainment expense of the employees of UT Institutions and performed risk assessment.

Cecilia Jeffers – UT Austin
Geoscience Undergraduate Intern, University Lands
Simplified the process of finding core data for the department from large databases and used gathered data to create maps in Kingdom and Spotfire software, visualizing data relationships.

Reema Kumari – UT Arlington
Database Design Intern, Office of the Controller
Designed a specialized database in MS Access to facilitate seamless tax reporting across diverse institutions within the UT System.

Regina Lujan – UT El Paso
HR Business Partner Intern, Office of Talent & Innovation
Analyzed weekly data on Employees’ Performance Appraisals and conducted research on workplace burnout along with creating a white paper that offers insights and strategies to combat burnout.

Lasta Maharjan – UT Arlington
Data Analytics Intern, Office of Talent & Innovation
Designed dynamic dashboards providing metrics on workshop engagements throughout the UT System and automated batch-file renaming process using scraped titles of the documents in R.

Aswathi Manoj – UT Austin
Information Security Intern – Security Operations Center, Office of Information Security
Analyzed threats received on Microsoft Defender to classify examined affected parties to determine threat level and performed risk assessments for software purchases.

DeChanda Martin – Thurgood Marshall Law School
Summer Law Clerk, Office of General Counsel
Analyzed the legal landscape of scooter-related litigation and determined potential liability.
Manas Nandimandalam – UT Austin
Oil & Gas Accounting Intern, University Lands
Performed variance analyses to identify potential underpayments from University Lands’ clients.

Chidimma Ogbonna – UT Rio Grande Valley
Information Technology Intern – Project Management, OCIO
Developed a maturity model to guide the improvement of Infrastructure service catalog.

Tri Pham – UT Austin
Reservoir Engineering Intern, University Lands
Conducted research to determine the most economic well placement strategy for oil and gas leases.

Jayden Ramirez – UT Austin
Video & Digital Marketing Intern, Office of Talent & Innovation
Designed graphics for Cultivate workshops and filmed interviews, plane takeoffs, intern’s day in a life videos for various external relations projects.

Scott Riegel – UT Austin School of Law
Summer Law Clerk, Office of General Counsel
Analyzed the best practices for UT System employees to avoid infringing synch rights.

Steven Santoyo – UT Austin
ElevateTXEd Intern, Office of Academic Affairs
Created a “Policy Matrix” for Finish@UT and conducted a SWOT analysis on the ElevateTXEd website and social media account.

Lauren Stewart – UT Dallas
Web Design/Development Intern, University Lands
Re-designed various pages on the University Lands Website adding new features and tools.

Rohan Vijapurapu – Texas A&M University
Reservoir Engineering Intern, University Lands
Built a quarter fracture reservoir model to stimulate operations with shale reservoir.

Ethan Wen – UT Austin
Information Security Intern – Security Operations Center, Office of Information Security
Analyzed the reported incidents and phishing emails data to predict the “Determination” of an incident.