Living Well Success Stories

Each month we highlight testimonials from UT Benefits participants throughout the state who have improved their lives by adopting healthier habits. We hope you'll be inspired by the changes they've made in their lives. 

text on image: Living Well, displayed over a feet in running shoes on a track

Do you have a story to share? Tell us about it!

September 2016

Rhonda R

Institution:  UTHealth (Houston)
Her advice: When I think about taking a break from exercising or healthy eating, I think about my family and friends and how I can hopefully become a role model for them to take control of their health. A dear friend once told me during this journey to "run my own race." This is the best advice I could share. When I realized that I wanted to better my health, I stopped waiting for others to do it with me. So don't wait for others, run your race and you will soon realize that you are motivating others.


July 2016


Institution:  UT Health Science Center Houston
Her advice: Believe you deserve to feel healthy. Have a workout buddy that supports you in making healthy choices. Pray for endurance. Reward yourself with non-food related interests (an overnight getaway, a new work-out outfit etc.). Review the positive experiences you had at the end of each day. Read uplifting inspirational thoughts each start of your day. Hang out with joyful co-workers. Be grateful for being employed at a workplace that supports wellness.


June 2016

Delo Gates

Institution: UT Southwestern Medical Center
Her advice: I advise people to enjoy what you do when you exercise. This will help you stick with it. Also, some people don't agree with this but I believe people are most successful when the exercise away from home and around other people. Whether you join a gym, go to dance classes, walk at the park with friends, whatever you do, do it away from home.bThere are far too many distractions at home. And exercising with someone will hold you more accountable.


May 2016

Allen “Robin” Webb

Institution: UTHealth in Houston
Her advice: Anyone can contact me; I would love to help others quit. I dipped for about 27 years.


May 2016

Katie Simpson

Institution: UT Dallas
Her advice: Everyone's situation is going to be different, so get your advice from someone who is more familiar with your situation. A professional counselor is great if it's an option, but even a friend's opinion is going to be more useful for you than mine would be. I can't even pretend that I discovered any universal truths on this trip. =)


April 2016

Binoy Philip

Institution: UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas
His advice:  Anyone can accomplish the goal of losing weight as long as you put your Heart and Mind into it and not listen to the natural instincts of your Body!