Group Life Insurance - Retired Employees

PLEASE NOTE: Dearborn has recently re-branded under the name Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Both companies are under the umbrella of Health Care Services Corporation (HCSC), so the changes are in name only.


Group term life (GTL) insurance can help ensure financial security for your family and loved ones upon your death. UT System, through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) (formerly Dearborn), provides eligible retired employees with basic GTL as part of the basic coverage package. Eligible retired employees also have the opportunity to purchase additional coverage at group rates.

Basic Group Term Life (GTL) Benefits

Basic group term life insurance in the amount of $10,000 is a part of the basic coverage package.


Voluntary Group Term Life Options

Retired Employee Voluntary GTL






Dependent Spouse Voluntary GTL*


*Retired employee must be enrolled in retired employee voluntary GTL benefits in order to elect benefits for a spouse.

When you first move from active employment to a retired employee without a break in service, you are guaranteed coverage up to the amount of voluntary GTL coverage you had in force as an active employee not to exceed a maximum of $100,000.

After your initial eligibility period to elect voluntary GTL coverage as a retired employee, evidence of 
insurability is required for any increase in voluntary GTL benefits during annual enrollment.

Evidence of insurability is required on all spouses of retired employees who elect to enroll for voluntary GTL insurance. However, this requirement will be waived if your spouse was enrolled for voluntary GTL insurance on the last day you were an active employee and there is no break in coverage.

Retired Employee Rate Chart

ON 9/1/2024


15 - 34$0.035
35 - 39$0.045
40 - 44$0.059
45 - 49$0.092
50 - 54$0.142
55 - 59$0.221
60 - 64$0.345
65 - 69$0.616
70 - 74$0.713
75 - 79$0.884
80 and over$1.549






Claims Address 
BlueCross BlueShield of Texas
Attn: Life Claims Department
P.O. Box 7070     
Downers Grove, IL 60515