Getting Ready to Retire

If you are thinking about retiring, several resources are available to assist you through this process:

  • Visit the Retired Employee Insurance page: Basic and Optional coverage details; information for current Retired Employees. 

  • Review the Enrollment Guide for Retiring Employees (also available below): A guide to help you understand your UT insurance benefits as you make the transition to retirement.

  • Review the UT System Retirement Planning Guide video (available below).

  • Check the eligibility requirements to retire under TRS (if applicable). For ORP participants, please check with your institution's human resources or benefits office about eligibility to declare your retirement.

  • Review the Retirement Eligibility Flowchart outlining requirements to enroll in insurance benefits through UT as a retired employee. Please note that effective 9/1/2023 for Stephen F. Austin State University employees, all benefits-eligible service earned with SFA (both past and future) will be counted as University of Texas service for purposes of insurance eligibility as a retired employee. 

  • Be sure to contact the Social Security Administration to enroll in Medicare at the appropriate time. Visit the UT SELECT and Medicare page to learn more. Depending on your age and health status, you may need to enroll in Medicare prior to retiring to ensure you are fully covered at the start of your retirement.  

Retirement Savings

If you have reached retirement age, you can start enjoying your retirement savings. Contact your local Benefits Office for more information.

Plan your Retirement

UT System Retirement Planning Guide
(9:27 min)

Guide for Retiring Employees

2024-2025 Enrollment Guide for Retiring Employees