COBRA Administration

Voya COBRA Administration  

COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) is a Federal law under which employees and their covered dependents have the opportunity for a temporary extension of medical, dental, and/or vision coverage at group rates in instances where coverage under the plan would otherwise end.  In certain cases, it may be possible to continue HCRA coverage. The employee or dependent is responsible for the entire premium for COBRA coverage plus a two percent administrative fee.

For more information regarding COBRA eligibility and enrollment, please contact the UT institution where you were last employed no later than 60 days from the date of your active employee insurance termination.

Voya is the administrator for UT COBRA coverage. All COBRA enrollment applications and monthly premium payments should be submitted to Voya. See below for details about options for making premium payments and complete contact information for Voya.

Initial Enrollment in COBRA Coverage  

Enrollment materials for COBRA are automatically generated when information is updated in the UT Benefits enrollment system indicating one of the following events has occurred:

  • A loss of coverage due to a reduction in hours or the end of employment (except if terminated for gross misconduct);
  • A dependent child aging out at the age of 26;*
  • Death of the subscriber; or
  • Divorce or legal separation from the subscriber.

*Certain children who are determined by the UT System Office of Employee Benefits (OEB) in conjunction with the UT Benefits Medical Director to be medically incapacitated and unable to provide their own support may be eligible to remain on their parent's coverage beyond the month in which they turn 26.

Voya automatically receives information from the institutions via the benefits enrollment system on a weekly basis. Voya mails COBRA notices and election forms to individuals who are reported as being newly eligible to enroll in COBRA. Please note that updates to the benefits enrollment system are often made after the qualifying events have occurred. Individuals are given a grace period to make their elections and remit the premiums to Voya.

To continue coverage, individuals must send their elections and premiums to Voya by the deadlines specified on the COBRA notice. Elections and payments can be submitted through Voya’s Member Self-Service Portal (Member Portal) or mailed to the address referenced below.

Until COBRA enrollments are processed, save all documentation for any out-of-pocket expenses ordinarily covered under the plan(s) you are enrolling in COBRA for, such as prescription or medical services. Once your COBRA coverage is in place, you may submit claims to the appropriate insurance plan administrator for reimbursement.


(833) 232-4673

24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Voya Financial
P.O. Box 23983
New York, NY 10087-3983