HOP 1.1.4 Review of Information for Public Distribution

Sec. 1 Purpose

The purpose of HOP 1.1.4 is to establish a policy that guides all employees of the University of Texas System Administration, departments, and programs in the creation and use of design, digital, and communications products, including but not limited to logos, print materials, websites, and social media accounts, that represent the UT System.

Sec. 2 Principles

The University of Texas System Administration strives to maintain a consistent, professional image aligned with its mission and ethos. While individuals within the System Administration may create and execute public-facing communications, each initiative should tie back to the central U.T. System brand — both visually and strategically — in order to provide a clear and concise experience and understanding for a wide range of audiences and constituents.

Sec. 3 Pre-Approval Required

Employees must inform the Office of External Relations of any print and electronic material, including but not limited to news releases, invitations, promotional or marketing materials, ads, websites, and social media accounts, that are intended to be distributed publicly on behalf of The University of Texas System Administration.

Approval must be requested via e-mail at least seven business days in advance of distribution to allow time for review and response or consultation to branding@utsystem.edu. Upon review, the Office of External Relations will work with the employee to ensure the U.T. System brand is represented consistently and aligned to Administration and/or institutional standards.

As appropriate, the Office of External Relations may share the reviewed material with other offices.

To protect the integrity of the U.T. System brand, internal offices may not create and use logos beyond the official U.T. System seal without advance review and authorization from the Office of External Relations.

Note: This section does not apply to legislative testimony, submission of government-required reports or grant proposals, speeches, or conference presentations.

Sec. 4 Responsibility for Contracted Agencies

Any U. T. System Administration office working with a contracted individual, entity, or agency is responsible for all aspects of the outside contractor’s work related to materials, including logos, graphics, and public distribution communications strategies prepared on behalf of the U.T. System, including compliance with quality control, protocols, and policies, and consistency with the U. T. System mission. Those visuals and plans must be shared with the offices listed in Section 3 of the Policy Statement above. In addition, a representative from the Office of External Relations must be consulted during the agency selection process.

Policy Details

Responsible Office(s)

External Relations, Communications and Advancement Services

Date Approved

Dates Amended or Reviewed

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