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Builder's Risk Insurance Program
Camp Insurance Program
Comprehensive Property Protection Plan (CPPP)
Fine Arts
International Insurance Programs
Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP)
Special Event General Liability
Tenants' and Users' Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP)
Automobile Insurance Program
Malea Schmitt, Risk & Insurance Analyst
The University of Texas System (the UT System) purchases a variety of policies for coverage applicable to the operation and use of motorized vehicles. The UT System Policy UTS157-Automobile Insurance Coverage for Officers and Employees and General Requirements for the Use of Vehicles, describes the rules and regulations for the use of vehicles.
Systemwide Automobile Liability
The Systemwide Automobile Liability Policy provides liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage to third parties. The coverage is automatically included for all University of Texas owned and long term lease vehicles.
Physical Damage
The Physical Damage Policy provides physical damage coverage for scheduled UT owned and long term lease vehicles.
The Hired and Non-owned Policy provides excess liability and physical damage coverage for hired vehicles, and excess liability coverage for other non-owned vehicles. Employees are discouraged from using their personal vehicle to conduct official University business. This coverage is secondary to any personal auto insurance the employee has, and is only for property damage or bodily injury to third parties. It does not provide any physical damage coverage for damages sustained to the UT System employee's vehicle.
The Athletics Policy provides liability, physical damage, personal injury protection, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage for loaned, courtesy, or promotional vehicles utilized by athletics department employees. Vehicles must be scheduled.
Foreign Auto Liability and Mexico Tourist Policy
Jessica Miller, International Program Manager
Part of the International Insurance Programs, the Foreign Auto Liability and Mexico Tourist policies provide liability and physical damage coverage for owned and hired vehicles involved in accidents which occur outside the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Institutions must contact Risk Finance to receive an auto specific Mexican ID card before taking a UT vehicle into Mexico.
Automobile Claims Reporting
All accidents must be reported to your Institution's Fleet contact immediately; the University's insurance companies must be notified of all accidents immediately.
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office: 512.579.5029
What to Do at the Scene of an Automobile Accident
Remain calm and be cooperative and not argumentative. Remember that you are representing The University of Texas System. Be prepared to report the accident to your Institution's Fleet contact. Gather as much information as possible at the scene, including but not limited to:
- The other driver's name, phone number, and insurance information.
- Information about other vehicles involved-year, make, license plate and the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).
- The names and phone numbers of any potential witnesses.
- The facts and circumstances of the accident.
Do not admit fault, and do not make any claims regarding The University of Texas System's insurance coverage to anyone else involved in the accident. You should inform the parties involved that the accident will be reported to the University's insurance provider and that a claims adjuster will contact them.
Make every attempt to contact the police and file a report; if the accident occurred on campus, contact Campus Police. You should try to obtain a copy of the Police report for later submission to your Institution's Fleet contact.
Domestic Auto Claim Reporting
All incidents and events that may create liabilities to The University of Texas System and Institutions resulting from a domestic automobile accident are to be reported immediately (within 24 hours). Auto claims may be reported by completing the ACORD form and submitting it to
Auto Accidents Occurring in Mexico
When traveling into Mexico on official university business, you must have in your possession a vehicle specific Mexico auto identification card and a copy of the Mexico Tourist Policy; these documents are required to be carried by Mexico law. In the event of a loss or accident, immediately notify (while in Mexico) the local Mexico insurer via the toll-free number located on the inside cover of the Mexico Tourist Policy. In addition to processing the claim information, the toll-free operator can also assist The University driver with obtaining service and legal assistance as necessary. Reporting the claim via the toll-free number is the first step to obtain help in the event of an accident. Later, at a more appropriate time, report the claim to your Institution's Fleet contact.
International (and Mexico) Auto Claims Reporting
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office: 512.579.5029
All incidents and events that may create liabilities to The University of Texas System and Institutions resulting from an international automobile accident are to be reported immediately (within 24 hours). Please complete and submit the International Auto Loss Form.
Builder’s Risk Insurance Program
Brittany Chilton, Risk & Insurance Analyst
The Master Builder’s Risk Insurance Program provides coverage for physical loss or damage to buildings or other structures while under construction or renovation at the University of Texas System. The program covers the work being completed, contractor or owner furnished equipment, and damage to existing property for designated construction projects. Benefits of the program include consistency of coverage terms and conditions, cost savings, and additional coverages such as soft costs and delay in completion.
Builder’s Risk Claims Reporting
Builder’s Risk Insurance Program claims are reported directly to the project manager.
Camp Insurance Programs
Ruth Maldonado, Insurance Specialist
The University of Texas System Camp program provides Excess Accident and General Liability coverage for enrolled, UT-owned camps and clinics held throughout the year. Coverage is available for both Sport and Academic focused camps.
How does it work?
To enroll in the Camp Program, Camp Directors should complete the appropriate Camp Application (Sport, Online or Academic application) based upon the type of camp to be held. Applications must be completed for each individual camp and signed by the Camp Director. Completed applications should be sent to the Office of Risk Management.
Once the application is received, coverage will be binding unless there are any inaccuracies in the application. Online applications will need to be approved prior to start of camp. The Camp Program insurance broker will send a certificate of insurance, claims procedures, and claims forms to the designated Camp Director. The Camp Program insurance broker will contact the designated Camp Director at the end of each camp for actual number of campers and coaches/staff. The broker will send an electronic invoice for the premium balance (based on the actual camper counts) to the designated Camp Director. Failure to make timely payments may result in removal of coverage and future eligibility to participate in the Camp Insurance Program.
Camp Directors: Please notify the Office of Risk Management at least 7 business days prior to the start of the camp. It will take at least 3 business days to receive a certificate of insurance.
Comprehensive Property Protection Plan
Brittany Chilton, Risk & Insurance Analyst
The Comprehensive Property Protection Plan (CPPP) finances catastrophic property losses for The University of Texas System (the UT System) and its Institutions. The CPPP consists of two programs:
- Fire and All Other Perils Program – Insures against risks of direct physical loss or damage to UT System property. The AOP deductible is supported by a combination of replenishment and a funded reserve.
- Named Windstorm and Flood Program (Wind & Flood) – Insures against risks of direct physical loss or damage to UT System property caused by named windstorm and or storm surge flood events. The Wind and Flood deductible is supported by a funded reserve and a mechanism to issue debt.
CPPP Claims Reporting
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office of Risk Management
Office: 512.579.5029
Crime Insurance Program
Eric Agnew, Risk & Insurance Analyst
The University of Texas System Crime Insurance Program provides coverage to all of the UT System Institutions for losses resulting from employee dishonesty or dishonest acts committed by non-employees. Coverage under the policy is applicable regardless of whether the dishonest act occurs on or off the UT System premises.
Crime Claims Reporting
All incidents involving theft or vandalism should be reported to the Campus Police and local Police Department.
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office of Risk Management
Office: 512.579.5029
Equipment Program
Malea Schmitt, Risk & Insurance Analyst
The University of Texas System Equipment Policy provides coverage for direct physical loss or damage to scheduled miscellaneous articles such as:
- Airborne (equipment attached outside an airborne vessel)
- Audio/visual equipment
- Computer equipment
- Medical equipment
- Musical Instrument
- Other
- Radio Towers
- Scientific equipment
- Waterborne (equipment attached outside a waterborne vessel)
The policy insures against all risks of physical loss or damage from any external cause, except as excluded within the policy. The policy provides worldwide coverage and includes coverage during over-ocean cargo shipments.
Equipment Claims Reporting
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office of Risk Management
Office: 512.579.5029
Fine Arts Insurance Program
Brittany Chilton, Risk & Insurance Analyst
The University of Texas System Fine Arts Insurance Program provides coverage for paintings, etchings, drawings (including frames, glasses and shadow boxes), rare books, manuscripts, rugs, tapestries, statuary, and other bona-fide works of art, or rarity, historic value, or artistic merit. The program insures against all risks of physical loss or damage from any external cause, except as excluded within the policy. Some common exclusions related to the fine arts policy are wear and tear, deterioration, hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war, shipments by mail unless by registered first class mail or parcel post provided.
Coverage is included for art you loan to others, or art on loan to you from others. It is always best to have a loan agreement in place between the two parties (sample loan agreement). Under terms of this agreement, objects of this loan will receive the care and respect that is necessary to ensure the integrity of the objects.
Fine Arts Claims Reporting
All incidents involving theft or vandalism should be reported to the Campus Police and local Police Department.
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office of Risk Management
Office: 512.579.5029
International Insurance Programs
International Travel Insurance Program
Jessica Miller, International Program Manager
The International Travel Insurance Program provides emergency medical and security evacuation insurance coverage for faculty/staff and students, blanket accident and sickness insurance to students, and includes coordination of medical services, medical evacuation and repatriation, security, legal, and online services for both students and faculty/staff. Emergency, medical and security services are provided by On Call International.
Foreign Package and Defense Base Act Policy
Jessica Miller, International Program Manager
ORM purchases several insurance products to assist in covering the various exposures for travelers and Institutions for workers’ compensation and liability claims arising from incidents abroad. The Foreign Package Policy provides coverage for Foreign Commercial General Liability, Foreign Business Auto Liability, and Foreign Voluntary Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability. Defense Base Act Workers’ Compensation is an extension of the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, and provides workers’ compensation coverage for UT System institutions contracting with the US government on work taking place in foreign lands.
Resources for International Travel
Resources for International Travel are available through a UT System contracted emergency assistance provider.
International Insurance Program Claims Reporting
For claims related to any of these policies, the losses will be adjusted by the insurance carrier. However, claims are still to be called into the Institution’s Workers' Compensation Insurance (WCI) Representative and then The University of Texas System (the UT System) WCI Claims Office in Austin.
To report international workers’ compensation injuries, please contact:
Johanna Lopez, Manager
For all other international claims, please contact:
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office of Risk Management
Office: 512.579.5029
Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program
Malea Schmitt, Risk & Insurance Analyst
The Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP) program provides workers' compensation, general liability and excess liability insurance coverage for all enrolled contractors while working on designated construction projects for The University of Texas System. Benefits of the program include lower insurance premiums due to bulk purchasing, consistency of insurance provided on each project, enhanced safety and loss control, and cost savings.
ROCIP Claims Reporting
Rolling Owner Controlled Insurance Program (ROCIP) claims are reported directly to the project manager.
Special Event General Liability Policy
Ruth Maldonado, Insurance Specialist
The Special Event General Liability (SEGL) Policy provides coverage to third party participants and/or spectators at select sponsored events for The University of Texas System. The SEGL policy protects the UT System and the hosting Institution against claims by third parties who may sustain bodily injury or property damage as a result of participating in the sponsored event.
Risk Management Guidelines for Special Events provides specific risk management guidelines that should be considered before undergoing a sponsored event.
Special Event General Liability Claims Reporting
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office of Risk Management
Office: 512.579.5029
Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy
Ruth Maldonado, Insurance Specialist
Non-UT System organizations and groups frequently request the use of UT System facilities or property for special events. The Tenants' and Users' Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP) program should be utilized when the facility user is unable to provide liability insurance which names The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System and the specific Institution hosting the event as additional insureds.
The TULIP program is designed to provide low cost, event specific general liability insurance to Tenants / Users of UT System facilities. It protects the Tenants / Users and the Institution against claims by third parties who may be injured or sustain property damage as a result of participating in a covered event. Coverable events can range from low risk events such as classroom seminars, receptions or weddings to higher risk events including sports events or concerts. Higher risk events may need to be sent to the insurance carrier for individual underwriting.
There MUST be a third party Tenant / User to qualify for TULIP coverage.
Risk Management Guidelines for Special Events provides specific risk management guidelines that should be considered before hosting a sponsored event.
How does it work?
The Institution will fill out the rating spreadsheet of the TULIP Application document to compute the premium necessary in order to cover the event. By e-mailing the rating sheet to the Office of Risk Management (ORM), the Institution is telling ORM that the Tenant / User wants to bind coverage. ORM will send the Institution a certificate of insurance for the Tenant / User. Each Institution will be billed quarterly for its TULIP usage. It is the Institution's responsibility to collect payment from the Tenant / User and hold the funds for payment until invoiced by UT System.
TULIP Claims Reporting
John Santos, CPCU, Senior Claims Coordinator
Office of Risk Management
Office: 512.579.5029