Property Acquisitions

UTS135- Fire and Life Safety Reviews

The purpose of UTS135-Fire and Life Safety Reviews, is to ensure, prior to purchase or lease, that all University of Texas properties are in compliance with applicable fire and life safety codes.

Before any building is leased or purchased, each Institution is required to conduct a fire and life safety review of the property to identify any deficiencies and recommend corrective actions or renovations.

The Risk Control section in the Office of Risk Management is available to assist Institutions with fire and life safety reviews on new and currently owned property.

UTS161- Environmental Review for Acquisition of Real Property

The purpose of UTS161-Environmental Review for Acquisition of Real Property is to minimize the potential for exposure to claims made under the applicable laws governing the environment and hazardous substances by investigating the environmental condition of real property assets and making all appropriate inquiry where warranted based on risk.

Since 2007, the Risk Control Environmental Program has worked with the Real Estate Office and various Institutions on more than thirty property acquisitions.