Current Scholars

Alyssa Lumanog is a design intern at the UT System Population Health. She is passionate about both public health and graphic design. She had previously worked on projects such as the Healthy Horns calendar for UT Austin Health Services and developed an icon system for TCMHCC. Outside of school and work, she loves to create art and play tennis

Mentor: Em Karimifar
Project: TCHMB

Krystin Matthews is a PhD candidate in Epidemiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health in Austin. She holds a BA in Human Development from the University of California San Diego and an MPH from the University of Southern California. Krystin gained years of experience as a Research Health Science Specialist at the Veterans Health Administration, Center for Innovation to Implementation in Palo Alto, before pursuing her PhD. Her current research efforts at UT System Population Health support the Healthy Families Initiative. 

Mentor: Divya Patel
Project: Healthy Families