Intellectual Property Checklists

The above checklists were designed to assist in analyzing Sponsor-offered clauses and agreements to determine whether editing is required to bring them into conformance with the Regents' Rules and Regulations, Series 90101, regarding intellectual property. These diagnostic tools assess problems with Sponsor-offered clauses and provide links to contract clauses that illustrate solutions.

Each checklist summarizes the important features or concepts to look for (or, in some cases, to avoid) in analyzing a contract clause that is not a standard clause or otherwise already approved. Use each checklist to determine whether the Sponsor-offered clause conforms with UT System requirements. If a discrepancy is noted, refer to the sample clauses for help. If numerous problems with a clause exists, try to substitute a standard clause rather than attempt extensive editing.

Because no two deals are identical, the best language for one transaction may not be the same as that for a different transaction. If in doubt, please feel free to contact an intellectual property attorney, in OGC, with specific questions.

Disclaimer: The materials on this website do not constitute legal advice. You should consult with an attorney before acting on or conveying any interpretation of these materials.