Healthy Cooking

a pair of hands cutting vegitables and fruit on a cutting and serving board Food is the fuel your body uses to get through the day. And better fuel means better performance. You don’t have to make huge changes in your eating habits to notice the difference either. As it is with so many aspects of wellness and life, balance is key.

If you want to improve your eating habits, trying one new healthy recipe each week will almost certainly work better than trying to suddenly change your entire diet all at once. To get started, look for healthy recipe options that seem manageable to you or look for tips about how to modify the recipes you already love to make them a little bit healthier.

There are several good resources online if you are looking for healthier recipes. Some of the ones we like include:

We’ve also collected recipe ideas from your colleagues throughout UT System. The first two, hugely popular editions of our  UT System Family Cookbook  are available now. Stay tuned for new editions—coming soon!