The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a devastating toll on the U.S. and the world. As the state’s largest public higher education and academic health care system, The University of Texas System continues to harness its expertise in playing a leadership role in the state’s response and recovery efforts.
When the impact of the pandemic pushed all universities to remote learning in the middle of the Spring 2020 semester, UT institutions mobilized quickly. They educated more than 240,000 students through digitally-driven platforms, graduated more than 34,400 students in May, produced new discoveries and clinical trials that contributed to national vaccine development in record time, and provided medical care – ranging from intensive inpatient care to more than one million telemedicine visits – to the people of Texas.
The University of Texas System looks at 2021 as a year of opportunity to emphasize the growing importance of a postsecondary education, to complement current educational experiences with new credential paths based on better education-workforce alignment, to enhance student life engagement, to accelerate research and innovations, and to provide exceptional health care using more technology.