Operating Budget for System: FY 2025

Document Description

It is expressly provided that the governing board of each of the institutions of higher education shall approve on or before September 1 an itemized budget covering the operation of the ensuing fiscal year, which budget shall be prepared within the limits of the revenue available. Each institution's operating budget shall contain a section(s) which provides budget amounts and the method of finance for each listed informational item of appropriated funds contained in this Act. A copy of each budget, and any subsequent amendments thereto, shall be filed with the Legislative Reference Library and the institution's general library to be available for public inspection. Copies of each budget shall also be filed with the Legislative Budget Board, the Governor, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board by December 1 of each fiscal year.

State Report Information

State Agency

Office of the Governor
Legislative Budget Board
Legislative Reference Library
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Texas State Library


Release Date

Responsible Office(s)

Budget and Planning

Document Type

Operating Budget for System Administration


Referenced Institution(s)

UT System Administration