Attorney General Report on UT Austin Law School Foundation

Document Description

The investigation report from the Office of the Attorney General of Texas regarding the University of Texas School of Law and The University of Texas School of Law Foundation.

Brief Background

The University of Texas System Board of Regents request the Office of the Attorney General to conduct an investigation of the issues related to the relationship between the Law School and Foundation related to compensation and related benefits for employees of the Law School. Specifically, the Regents asked the OAG to investigate the following: 

  • How the relationship between the Law School and the Foundation functioned in practice;
  • The processes, procedures and policies for decision-making at the Law School in relation to monies contributed by the Foundation and compliance and oversight with those processes, procedures and policies;
  • The flow of Foundation funds to employees of the Law School and the flow of funds to the Law School from the Foundation;
  • The use and management by the Law School of funds provided for he support of the Law School by the Foundation; and
  • The level of transparency between UT Austin and the Law School leadership regarding the above issues.