Remarks and Interviews

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Chancellor Conversation
Media Interview

UT System Chancellor Milliken discussed the challenges and opportunities in leading a statewide university system, his experience at several major public institutions and how the UT System is helping meet the needs and generate opportunity for Texas’s growing and diversifying population.

Media Interview

Chancellor Milliken joined University of California System President Michael V. Drake and Texas Tribune founder Evan Smith to discuss the state of public higher education and what it takes to serve the nation’s two most populous states during the 2022 TribFest.

Chancellor Conversation
Chancellor Conversation

When it comes to today’s workforce challenges, employers do not have years to wait for the next generation of workers and workers want to advance their careers now. That is why UT institutions are committed to working with employers on tailored microcredential solutions for workforce supply, development, and diversity issues. In support of this effort, UT System hosted the first-ever employer engagement forum in April 2022. The event included a roundtable discussion with Southwest Airlines CEO Bob Jordan; Texas Instruments Chairman, President and CEO Rich Templeton; and AT&T President Southeast States Sonia Pérez, moderated by Chancellor Milliken.


Today we celebrate the legacy of one of our nation’s most influential leaders. In doing so, we should consider the ways, large and small, we can build upon the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  As a pastor and a civil rights advocate, Dr. King’s life continues to inspire people across the United States and around the world. He led by example, standing alongside the oppressed, and personally championing the policies and practices that provide opportunities to all. Through his faithful commitment to social improvement, human dignity, and nonviolence, he has secured a historic place in the hearts of Americans for the more than 50 years since his assassination. But his memory is not relegated to history --- it is a living gift to all of us.


Welcome and Introduction

Welcome, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this celebration.  Today is a very special day, as we dedicate the UT Education and Research Center at Laredo and expand UT’s mission to support this community and its students.  Today, three UT institutions are joining forces to create a center for training and education in some of the most vital health care fields we need to support all Texans.

We are pleased to have many guests with us today, and I especially want to acknowledge the high school students gathered with us as we embark on a revitalized mission to serve you, as you consider your future career opportunities.  Thank you all for being with us.