Get to Know Johnny Reyes

Each month, Get to Know… will feature two members of UT System Administration’s talented and diverse staff as they offer insights into their lives in and out of the office. Each new edition will be published here. This week,

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Johnny Reyes

Johnny Reyes taking in some outdoor time, smiling in a cowboy hat

Senior Human Resources Business Partner
Office of Talent and Innovation

What are your primary job responsibilities?

I serve as a resource to executives, department heads, managers and staff by providing guidance, counsel and support on HR matters, such as workforce planning, organizational development, retirement, performance management, full-cycle recruitment, coaching, training and conflict resolution.

What do you most enjoy about your job?

I enjoy being a listening ear for people, problem-solving and making an impact. Many of my day-to-day work calls and emails range from those seeking advice and guidance to working through a problem and connecting people to the best answer, strategy or resource. Every day is different, so it keeps things interesting.

What is your proudest work moment?

That's a tough one! I would say being asked to assist and provide my HR knowledge during the merger of UT Pan American and UT Brownsville into UT Rio Grande Valley. Being from South Texas, I was excited about the opportunities UTRGV would bring to that part of Texas and doing my small part to help with those efforts is something I am very proud of to this day. Also, being a part of two UT System Chancellor onboardings ranks pretty close to the top of that list.

What advice would you give someone who is new to UT System?

Keep an open mind, ask questions and take the time to learn about the people you work alongside. There’s a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise throughout the UT System. All you have to do is ask a question and you will surely get the right answer from someone willing to help and who is well-respected in their field.

What is a fact about you that may surprise your colleagues?

I was a high school, university and competitive cheerleader for six years and taught gymnastics for eight years. I was captain of my university – Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi – cheer squad for my last two years. That experience was my first insight into the world of “human resources” and leadership. Many of my best childhood memories came from my time in that sport.

What do you do to disconnect or de-stress?

I find myself in the gym four to five times a week. I take an indoor spin class every Saturday morning at a local cycling studio. There is a dog park outside of my townhome, so taking out our beautiful black Labrador Retriever, Belle, to play fetch and interact with other puppies is a fun activity. During the summer, you will catch my friends and me on Lake Travis, and I make it a point, as the Miley Cyrus song goes, to buy myself flowers from time to time.

Who is currently playing on your Spotify playlist?

Being from Corpus Christi, Selena takes up a large part of my playlist along with other Latin artists, such as Bad Bunny, MANA, Gloria Trevi, Jenni Rivera, Shakira and Rosalia, to name a few. But Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac, Madonna, Journey, Red Hot Chili Peppers and 90s R&B always find their way into the mix.