Get to Know John Zerwas

We're pleased to kick off Season 3 of Get to Know..., which features two of UT System Administration’s talented staff as they offer insights into their lives in and out of the office. Each new edition will be published here.

UT System Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, Dr. John Zerwas, with his wife Sylvia.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Dr. John Zerwas and wife Sylvia.

John Zerwas, MD, FASA

Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Office of Health Affairs

What are your primary job responsibilities?

Oversight and accountability of the health related institutions of The University of Texas System.

What do you most enjoy about your job?

My colleagues at the UT System offices are amazing people and support all we do to support our institutions. I get great satisfaction being part of this high-functioning team, as well as working with the very capable presidents of the health related Institutions. When the opportunity arises, interacting with the students and faculty is also very rewarding.

What was the most challenging project you worked on and how did you ensure a successful outcome?

One of the most important things we do on behalf of the Board of Regents is select a new president at any one of the UT institutions. I would say it’s all-consuming at times, but because there are many capable individuals involved it generally works quite well. The most recent health related president is Dr. Jochen Reiser at UTMB, who is proving to be a very transformational leader.

What is a book or movie that has inspired you – and why?

I’m a sucker for movies that evolve around great personal sacrifice for the better good of people. So Braveheart rises to the top. I’m a very mission-driven individual and believe in the greater good of an organization. Being part of the UT System is something I love waking up to everyday!

What do you do to disconnect or de-stress?

I’ve been blessed with six children and 10 grandchildren. Being involved in their lives is the greatest reward for living this long!

What was your favorite vacation destination and if you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

Tahiti was the best vacation to date. I tend to gravitate to tropical places. That being said, a bucket list destination for me would be South Africa.