Get to Know Eric Solberg

Each month, Get to Know… will feature two members of UT System Administration’s talented and diverse staff as they offer insights into their lives in and out of the office. Each new edition will be published here.

Eric Solberg, UT System Associate Vice Chancellor, Health Affairs, rides his bike competing in an Ironman competition.

Eric Solberg

Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Office of Health Affairs

What are your primary job responsibilities?

I support UT System’s health-related institutions in the areas of academic affairs and academic program development; faculty affairs, tenure and endowed faculty appointments; research enhancing support and collaboration across institutions; and ongoing assessment and evaluation processes. I’m also the primary liaison to the UT System Faculty Advisory Committee (and the Faculty Burnout Working Group), Student Advisory Committee, Advisory Committee on Library Affairs, the Office of Institutional Research and Accountability, the deans of medicine and nursing across UT System and the Texas Medical Association’s Council on Medical Education.

What do you most enjoy about your job?

Before joining the UT System just this past January, I spent more than 15 years at UTHealth Houston championing student success and academic growth, and so representing and supporting the students has been among the most meaningful and gratifying opportunities of my career. And I can honestly say that it’s the people, both at UT System and across our institutions at every level, that truly make my job enjoyable. Amazing people!

What is a fact about you that may surprise your colleagues?

I haven't finished my Ph.D. degree yet and may follow my father's footsteps as he completed his in retirement.

What do you do to disconnect or de-stress?

I swim, bike and run almost daily. I competed in my first Ironman at age 17, raced professionally for three years while trying to attend graduate school and I’m still at it.