The Texas CTSA Consortium (TRCC) is a regional consortium of the national Clinical and Translational Science Awards program. The goal of the Texas CTSA Consortium is to facilitate clinical and translational research and dissemination among the Texas CTSA institutions and other interested Texas and national biomedical research institutions.
The Texas CTSAs are:
Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (Houston) Phone: 713-500-7900 Email: ccts@uth.tmc.edu
The UT Southwestern Center for Translational Medicine (Dallas) Phone: 214-648-2500 Email: Lisa.Fleming@utsouthwestern.edu
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science (San Antonio) Phone: 210-562-4467 Email: iims@uthscsa.edu
UTMB Institute for Translational Sciences (Galveston) Phone: 409-747-CTSA (2872) Email: CTSA@utmb.edu
TRCC Mission Statement
The Texas Regional CTSA Consortium is a collaborative research network to advance innovative practices in translational science across Texas for the improvement of human health.
Strategic Goals
Work with the people of Texas to determine health priorities and foster community involvement, trust and participation in research.
Promote the conduct of efficient, high-quality clinical and translational research across the state of Texas and nationally.
Advance innovative educational approaches to enhance the translational research workforce through statewide and national collaborations.
Develop, evaluate and disseminate best practices that improve health.
Collaborative Training
Innovative interactive online training developed by TRCC faculty are available to UT and TRCC members to accerate mastery of clinical and translational research topics.