OER in Promotion & Tenure

The recognition of OER contributions in promotion and tenure is a key component of advancing the adoption of OER at UT institutions as outlined in the ALA Taskforce Report Recommendation #6

The creation and adoption of OER represent new models of scholarship, teaching and service that may not be well understood by the faculty and administrators charged with making tenure and promotion decisions. Likewise, faculty creating and adapting OER as part of their teaching, research and service may require guidance for how to represent this work in their tenure and promotion dossiers. There is an opportunity and a need for individual faculty, departments and administrators—as well as governance bodies like faculty senates and the UT System Faculty Advisory Council—to work together to ensure that policy and practice align in the recognition of new-generation faculty work, especially in the context of in increasingly digital environments.

The resources below can help faculty, departments and colleges working to integrate OER into promotion and tenure policies and portfolios.