Staff & Contact Information

The UT System

Office of Collaborative Business Services (OCBS)

7007 Bertner Avenue, Unit 1681
Houston, Texas 77030-4009
(713) 563-2582


 Michael Prokopis

Michael Prokopis
Interim, Associate Vice Chancellor


Paul Steinkraus
Business Strategy Advisor &
Assistant General Counsel
(512) 944-2422

Zellisa Felder

Zellisa Felder
Executive Assistant
(713) 563-2582

Melissa Moya

Melissa Cerana
Finance Project Manager
(713) 745-8116

 The UT System Supply Chain Alliance

Strategic Services Group (SSG)

Steve Moreno

M. Steve Moreno
Executive Director
(713) 745-8348

Renee Carpenter

Renee Carpenter
Associate Director
(713) 794-3689


Kimberly Savage

 Kimberly Savage
Manager, Contracts
(713) 792-2201 

 LaChandra Wilson

LaChandra Wilson
Manager, Contracts
(713) 745-1731

 Carletha Hughes

Carletha Hughes
Manager, Contracts
(832) 750-5816

Shreya Mehta

Shreya Mehta
Manager, Contracts
(346) 723-8067

Donna Gordon

 Donna Gordon
Manager, Contracts
(346) 723-2481

Soreya Rashidian

Soreya R. Rashidian
Manager, Contracts
(713) 745-1545  

Lucretia Allen

 Lucretia Allen
Sr. Coordinator, Procurement
(832) 750-5823


The UT System

Intelligent Automation Services Group (IASG)

Jeffrey Bonnardel

Jeffery Bonnardel
Executive Director
(713) 724-5478


 Jennifer Gloria

Jennifer Gloria
Program Manager
(713) 745-8323

 Kapil Gupta

Kapil Gupta
Technical & Solutions Architect
(713) 745-0738

 W. Quintin Peikert

W. Quintin Peikert
Sr. RPA Analyst
(713) 563-5229

Michelle Nguyen

Michelle Nguyen
RPA Modeler/Developer
(713) 745-8323


 Aaron Spedden

Aaron Spedden
Sourcing Analyst
(713) 794-5233

 Isaac Shaffer

Isaac Shaffer III
Sr. RPA Developer
(346) 723-1237


Marlena Kays

Marlena Kays
Business Support Rep
(713) 794-4852


Email questions and comments about the website to Zellisa Felder or Lucretia Allen.