Brittany E. Jewell, Ph.D.
Appointed by
U.T. Health Science Center - Houston
BRITTANY E. JEWELL, Pearland, Texas, was appointed as Student Regent for The University of Texas System Board of Regents by Governor Greg Abbott for a one-year term that began on June 1, 2018.
Ms. Jewell is a student in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, working on her Ph.D. in Cell and Regulatory Biology. She is a graduate of Baylor University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and minors in Chemistry and Medical Humanities.
She is Executive Co-Director of UTHealthCares, leading the student-driven collaborative initiative designed to address the health concerns of Houston’s underserved population through community engagement and interprofessional collaboration between UTHealth schools, is President of the Biochemistry and Cell Biology Student Group, and has been involved in other student and nonprofit organizations.
Regent Jewell is a graduate research assistant, with previous research experience at Baylor College of Medicine and at Deke Slayton Cancer Center.
She is also a member of the American Academy of Cancer Research and other professional organizations. She was awarded the Tzu Chi Scholarship Award for Excellence in 2017, the Cell and Regulatory Biology Scholar Award in 2015, and other conference and scholarship awards. In 2010, Ms. Jewell founded a nonprofit organization, Tee Time for Autism, benefiting autism spectrum individuals in the greater Houston area and continues to serve as President.
She enjoys running and spinning and is interested in channeling these interests into a focus on student health during her term as Regent. Ms. Jewell is also focused on mentorship and community service that benefits children.
last updated June 22, 2018