Benjamin L. Dower, J.D.
Appointed by
U. T. Dallas
BENJAMIN LINDBERG DOWER, a fourth year undergraduate at The University of Texas at Dallas*, was appointed to a one-year term as Student Regent on The University of Texas System Board of Regents by Governor Rick Perry effective June 01, 2008.
Mr. Dower, an economics major with a minor in government and history, plans to attend law school. He has actively participated in student government, serving as a senator his freshman year, a committee chairman his sophomore year, and as president his junior year. He has also served as a member of the U. T. System Student Advisory Council and on the U. T. Dallas Tuition and Fee, Student Fee, Parking, and Transportation Committees. At U. T. Dallas, he is a regular contributor to the school's alternative publication, A Modest Proposal, where he worked as an editor in 2006-2007. He was recognized as Student Leader of the Year in 2008.
He graduated from Westwood High School in Austin in 2005 where he served as editor-in-chief of the literary magazine, Frontage Roads. His parents, Bill and Carolyn Dower, reside in Austin.
last updated May 31, 2008
*Regent Dower graduated from The University of Texas at Dallas in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance and minors in Government and History.