
Sept 30, 2022

Search Advisory Committee announced.

Nov 7, 2022

First meeting of the Search Advisory Committee.

Nov 18, 2022

Website launched to keep public informed and seek recommendations and comments.

Feb 6, 2023

Search Advisory Committee reviews candidates.

Mar 6-7, 2023

Search Advisory Committee interviews candidates and recommends candidates for further review.

Mar 24, 2023

UT System Board of Regents authorizes slate of recommended candidates to be interviewed by the BOR at a date to be determined.

Apr 27, 2023

UT Regents name Jochen Reiser as sole finalist for President of UT Medical Branch In Galveston.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Search Advisory Committee selected?

Per Regents’ Rules and Regulations, a Search Advisory Committee is established to recommend candidates to the Board.

The chancellor, the executive vice chancellor for health affairs or the executive vice chancellor for academic affairs serves as chairman of the committee; the Board chairman may make a different or additional appointment.

In order to ensure broad representation, the membership of the Search Advisory Committee membership is dictated by Regents’ Rules and is as follows:

(a) At least one regent to be appointed by the Board chairman.

(b) Two presidents from UT institutions to be appointed by the Board chairman.

(c) The executive vice chancellor for academic or health affairs (depending whether the presidential search is for an academic institution or a health institution).

(d) Three faculty members from the institution involved. The method of selection for faculty members is determined by the faculty governance of the institution.

(e) One dean, to be selected by the Deans’ Council of the institution involved for academic institutions. At health institutions, the member will be the dean of the medical school or, in the absence of that position, the member will be a senior representative of the teaching program of the institution selected by the Board chairman.

(f) One student from the institution involved. The method of selection is determined by the student governance of the campus.

(g) The president of the alumni association of the campus involved.

(h) One non-faculty employee of the institution involved. The method of selection is determined by the staff or employee council of the institution involved.

(i) At least two representatives of the institution’s external constituency who have demonstrated a deep interest in and support of the institution, its programs and its role in community activities, to be appointed by the Board chairman.

Who selects presidents of UT institutions?

The UT System Board of Regents selects the president of each institution, following interviews of top candidates. The Board of Regents considers recommendations from the Search Advisory Committee as well as comments and nominations from the public.

Will only one finalist get introduced publicly, or can the community meet with top candidates before a finalist is selected?

The Search Advisory Committee, which has broad representation from both the institution and community, may interview candidates as part of its selection process, but these interviews must remain confidential. After their recommendations are submitted to the Board of Regents, the Regents subsequently interview a slate of candidates and typically name a sole finalist or finalists. After the public naming of the finalist(s), there is a state-mandated 21-day waiting period before the Board can officially appoint the president. During this time period, the finalist(s) may visit the campus to meet with students, faculty, staff and community members.

Why is there a 21-day waiting period after regents announce a finalist?

Per state law (Texas Education Code 552.123), after the Board names a finalist or finalist(s), it must wait 21 days to officially appoint a finalist as president. This gives the public an opportunity to present additional comments or concerns about a finalist before he or she is officially named president. During this time period, the finalist(s) may visit the campus to meet with students, faculty, staff and community members.

Can students, faculty and staff or members of the public nominate candidates?

Yes, the UT System online portal is set up to allow any member of the public to submit a comment or nomination. These comments and nominations may be submitted anonymously.

Why aren’t the names of candidates shared with the public?

Per Texas Education Code 552.123, the names of applicants or candidates for the position of president of a public institution of higher education may remain confidential. However, when the Board names a finalist or finalist(s), it must publicly announce the name(s) and then wait 21 days to officially appoint a finalist as president.

Furthermore, names of applicants are kept confidential to allow the best possible candidates to enter the search without concern that their names will be revealed while employed elsewhere.