Fred Richards III, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer
Deptartment of Cell Systems and Anatomy
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
Recalling the tremendous challenge of mastering doctoral academia, it gives me great satisfaction to come alongside my students and provide whatever teaching assistance and moral support they need to complete their coursework successfully. My teaching career also provides an outlet for creativity as I strive to develop techniques and strategies to best convey this vast body of knowledge as well as a venue to express the strengths of my personality, both in the classroom and in individual interactions with the students.
Dr. Richards is a teacher of Gross Anatomy for first year medical students, second year medical students, and first year dental students. He also is the director for a head and neck gross anatomy course for second year dental students. Other teaching responsibilities include team-teaching advanced anatomy courses to senior medical students in LOM Gross Anatomy and MSK Gross Anatomy, as well as lecturing to the allied health students in the Inter-Professional Gross Anatomy course.
In 2009, Dr. Richards received the prestigious UTHSCSA's Presidential Teaching Excellence Award. In 2010 Dr. Richards was inducted by the faculty into the UTHSCSA's Academy of Master Teachers. In 2010 he was also awarded the title of Distinguished Teaching Professor by the University Of Texas Board Of Regents. Over the years the UTHSCSA medical and dental students have selected Dr. Richards to be the recipient of many different awards.