Regents' Outstanding
Teaching Awards

Laura D. Mydlarz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Associate Chair

Department of Biology

College of Science

UT Arlington

Teaching is my life. All of the activities I have engaged in have had teaching at their core. Whether teaching in a formal setting, teaching students in my lab, or talking to the public about the environment and coral reefs, my life is centered around teaching. But I have learned too. I have learned how to effectively communicate and how to engage in delivering material they will remember and connect to their lives.

Dr. Mydlarz an Associate Professor at The University of Texas at Arlington, in the Department of Biology. She received a BS and MS from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, and a PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara in Marine Science in 2004.  After graduating, she did a 2 year post-doctoral training with Drew Harvell at Cornell University. Dr. Mydlarz joined the faculty at University of Texas, Arlington in 2007.

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