Carla Amaro-Jiménez, Ed.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
College of Education
UT Arlington
What I do in the classroom, and what I learn from my students, impacts everything I do, from the research I conduct to the service I provide in the community. I am a better person, professor, and scholar thanks to them and all the countless things they have taught me about teaching, about working with students and families, and about creating classroom experiences that go beyond the four walls of my classroom.
Dr. Carla Amaro-Jiménez is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). As an experienced bilingual education teacher and educator, she now works with pre- and in-service teachers as well as administrators who work with English learners and their families. Her research focuses on the intersections between teacher preparation, classroom instruction, and family involvement to identify additive practices to support English learners in diverse 21st century classrooms. She also is the Director of the Pathways to College Access and Career Readiness Program, which includes the implementation of UTA-manned GO Centers and parent/community outreach.
See full bio at mentis.uta.edu/explore/profile/carla-amaro-jimenez.